Just be close at hand

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Takemichi's Pov
I was currently riding with Mikey in his bike, I was kind of worried about Y/n leaving her home alone so I asked Mikey about for a ride to get back home
"Sorry for the trouble to send me back home" I said apologizing to Mikey
"I guess its a goodbye, takemitchy" Mikey said
"Huh?" I was confused by what he meant 'it's a goodbye'?
"Everyone else has their own place here" Mikey said
"But as for you, you don't belong here, right?" He continued
"But i-" Mikey cut me off by calling me
"It's a promise, we'll meet again in 12 years with everyone. Toman members, hina, and Y/n too..i will absolutely protect you all to see that! I will definitely.." he said
"Mikey-kun.." i called him while shedding some tears
He turned his attention to me with a smile and said
"So..don't be so reluctant about parting away..go back to the future, takemitchy"
At this point I start crying while pursuing my lips
"Go back to that future where is Hina and N/n is waiting for you!" Mikey said
"Don't worry I will protect your sister this time and I well make sure she will not die in the future and in the past too, she's very precious to me, i am glad I met her and also..i will make sure to marry her in the future too! Like what Emma said.." he continued
(Year 2006 match 16th)
Y/n's Pov
I was visiting the sano's home while Takemichi went to talk with Chifuyu and hangout with him


I knocked on the door and after I knocked the door opened revealing Mikey's gramps
"Ah, hello Mr.Sano!" I said while bowing my head a little greeting him with a smile
"Hello there Y/n, it's been a while since you visited us..come in!" Gramps said while making a space for me to enter
I got in and took of my shoes and then walked to the living room
"Please sit on the couch, i will call manjiro here and let him know that you've come" gramps said
"Okay, mr, sano!" I nodded my head and head towards the couch but before I could sit on it i heard Mikey's gramps said
"Please don't call me that, you can call me uncle since you're my grandson's girlfriend and I am sure both of you well get married " he said and gave me smile
I blushed a little and nodded my head and sat down on the couch
After few seconds i felt a fast wind going towards me and when I turned around I saw an energetic Mikey running towards me with a smile
"N/N!!" He yelled my name and jumped over me and hugged me
"Hey!, manjiro!" I Said greeting him and hugged him back
"Gramps i am taking her to my room! Let me know if you need anything" Mikey yelled making sure his grandpa hear him before we go to his room
After we reached to Mikey's bedroom it was clean as usual and I went over the couch and sat on it
"Why the sudden visit?" Mikey spoke breaking the silence between us
"Eh? You don't want me to be here then?" I said asking with a teasing smile
"Nononono!!, i didn't mean it that way!" He said while waving his hands in front of me
"Idiot, i know..and I wanted to visit anyway, because Takemichi said he will be hanging out with fuyu so I've decided to come here" i said
He just hummed as a respond and then he stood up from his bed and went towards me and hugged me
"Someone's clingy?" I said
Instead of answering a yes or no he said this
"Sorry for not be able to protect you in the future before..but this time I well make sure to protect you from now on, i don't wanna see you get hurt..especially that day on Tenjiku vs toman's fight..when kisaki grabbed you and pointed a gun at you, trust me i was so scared and I wanted to punch him, i thought that day was the last time I am gonna see you"
"Hey..it's okay, see! I am here now..none is going to get hurt from now on, and I will make sure to protect you as well..you've been suffering a lot after Emma's and izana's death...you don't deserve this shit" i said and didn't notice I was crying
Mikey pulled away from the hug and wipe my tears away and then put his forehead on mine while looking at me smiling
"God, what did I do to deserve this blessing gift" Mikey said
I felt my cheeks heating and punched him on the chest playfully but he just chuckled
And then I saw him leaning closer and closer towards me and connected our lips together while putting his right hand on the back of my head and the other on my waist pulling me closer to him and soon we both pulled away
"I am glad I've won your heart, angel" Mikey said
"Well, i am glad you won my heart as well, manjiro" i said giving him a smile enough to make him melt
"Now let's go back to the living room, I wanna help your grampa in the kitchen!" I said while putting both of my arms on my hips
"Fine..!" He huffed and got up from the couch
And I got up After Him then I rushed towards the door of his room and before I went to the living room I looked at him and said
"The last one who reach to Mr.Sano is gonna be a loser"
I was about to run but I felt a hand grabbed me by the back of my shirt it was Mikey
He leaned in and said with a smirk
" you mean your 'uncle'..don't forget in the future sweetheart,I am gonna marry you and make you my wife~"
I felt my cheeks going red and my eyes widen at the same time

don't forget in the future sweetheart,I am gonna marry you and make you my wife~" I felt my cheeks going red and my eyes widen at the same time

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I kicked him on his stomach a little hard enough making him letting go of my shirt and I ran while yelling to him
Mikey's Pov
"Shit, sure she will be a strong wife for me" I said with a smile and then chased after her
Takemichi's Pov
I was talking with Hina, Chifuyu, and naoto. And I've told naoto about everything just happened in the park
"What the?!..you're getting married?!" Naoto yelled in surprise at Hina
"Wait!!, don't say it out loud!" Hina said with an embarrassment blush
"When we get older, of course" I said with a smile
"I mean you proposing out of no where surprised me too" Chifuyu said while sweatdropped
I title my head a bit and said
"Well...sorry for calling you here all of the sudden, naoto"
And then I reached my hand out for him to shake it, but he looked slightly confused
"Since we had our first handshake here, at this park.." I said

"Let's have our last handshake here, too

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"Let's have our last handshake here, too...thank you for believing in me, naoto, this moment wouldn't exist without your help" I continued
"So does this mean...both of me and sister are saved?" Naoto said asking
"Yup!, definitely" I said giving him a grin
"So naoto..let's handshake" I said
I saw naoto looked hesitant for a bit but he reached out for his hand and grabbed mine and shake it

let's handshake" I said I saw naoto looked hesitant for a bit but he reached out for his hand and grabbed mine and shake it

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"Chifuyu, Hina...let's meet in the future!" I said giving the both of them my last smile before my vision went black
Hello!! Another chapter for today!
I felt motivated while writing this Idk why
But! Hope you guys enjoy reading this!!
See you guys in another one and have a great day/night!

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