Hey dude

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Y/n's Pov
I rushed towards Chifuyu who got punched by Kakucho
"Chifuyu!" I called him and saw him with akkun
I crouched down to see if here was any blood but it's only some bruises
"You good?" I asked
"Yeah, are you alright?!" Akkun said panicking
"Yeah..shit! That Kakucho guy sure is strong!" Chifuyu said and we both helped him to get on his feet
"Come on, let's not give up, yeah?" I said smiling and then I walked towards the kawata twins who looked at takemichi who's currently fighting Kakucho
"Hey you guys oka..y" i immediately stopped smiling and looked at where they looked
"Takemichi's insane.." i hear nahoya said without his smile
"How can bare such a punch" souya said
"Takemichi is not a person who give up on everything or something that easily, he will keep trying over and over again until the end or even until he's death.." i said and they both looked at me before turning their attention to michi
"Anyways, perhaps takemichi is the only who can hold a kakucho for now!" I heard Chifuyu's voice from behind
I nodded my head smiling proudly
"This is getting big.." we heard akkun said and he was grinning
Alright, i am not gonna give up, or losing!" He continued still having that grin on his face
"Damn right!" Chifuyu said raising a fist
"AAAAGH!!" We three heard a yelling behind us, so we turn around and saw makato and takuya laying on the ground while yamagishi shaking them yelling thier names in panic and they were covered in so many bruises on their face, and who did this..
"Madarame shion.." i mumbled glaring at him

"YAMAGISHI!" Akkun yelled getting Chifuyu's attention "These fodder characters did not pull up a fight" madarame said grinning down at them "Damn you

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"YAMAGISHI!" Akkun yelled getting Chifuyu's attention
"These fodder characters did not pull up a fight" madarame said grinning down at them
"Damn you..madarame shion..a former black dragon captain..is not on our level" Yamagishi said trembling looking behind at him
"THAT ASSHOLE!!" Akkun yelled at madarame furiously
I then saw Akkun and Chifuyu rushed towards madarame from behind but I catches a hand holding Chifuyu's neck from behind and shoved him

"CHIFUYU!!" I yelled and I heard footsteps coming from behind i was about to fight whoever it was but I immediately calmed down once i heard that person's voice "OI, N/N! I HEARD YOUR YELL, WHAT'S WRONG?!" Baji said and looked towards where Chifuy...

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"CHIFUYU!!" I yelled and I heard footsteps coming from behind i was about to fight whoever it was but I immediately calmed down once i heard that person's voice
"OI, N/N! I HEARD YOUR YELL, WHAT'S WRONG?!" Baji said and looked towards where Chifuyu's laying figure was
I turned my head to moochi who was the one who grabbed Chifuyu and threw him
"That bastard.." i heard baji mumbled
"Baji! You go and fight moochi with Chifuyu, I'll go and fight with takemichi's friends knowing they can't take madarame alone, got it?" I said and he nodded but before he went towards Chifuyu he glanced at me and said
"Yell if you need some help, yeah?"
"Fine Fine..NOW GO!" I Said yelling and rushed towards the middle crew
"Eh? Yet more fodders?" Madarame said smiling and then turned his attention to me
"This will be fun~!" He said
"Bring it on you bastard!!" I said smiling widely

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