3. New School

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Cynthia pov

I walked by Sikowitz class seeing Beck, Tori, Cat and Jade on the stage.

"big news" Andre said when Sikowitz called on him.

"Andre no one wants to see big nudes" Sikowitz said.

I laughed walking into the class "he said big new" i said sitting next to Andre who smiled at me.

"Welcome Cyn, shouldn't you be at school" I smiled at him.

"I am, I've decided to come here" i said, Cat squealed running over and hugging me beofre going back on stage.

"why don't you go wait in the hall" Jade said to Tori, making her confusingly go into the hallway.

"Okay, at home big news" Sikowitz said going to sit in the back of the classroom.

"Hey, how was work today" Jade said to Beck.

"ah, i got fired" Beck said running his hands through his hair.


"Its okay, i have great news, that'll cheer the whole family up"

"what is it"

"tell us"

"i went to the animal shelter and i got us a dog"

"uh yep im the new family dog" Tori said.

"dogs cant talk, or walk like that" I said looking at her

"she's right tori, if you're going to play a dog, be a dog" Sikowitz said as she rolled her eyes getting on all fours.


"Uh, i went to the animal shelter and got us a new dog"



"Uh, oh, looks like this dog has some bugs in her fur" Jade said picking at Tori's hair.

"Uh, woo?"



"Oh, it's okay, i read on the internet that coffee works great for getting rid of fur bugs" Jade said as she went and grabbed someone's coffee.

"Maybe you shouldn't" Beck said as she walked back on the stage opening the coffee.

"Jade" Andre said as Jade poured the coffee on Tori's head, making her stand up

"what's the prob, dog" Jade said as tori ran out.

I stood up clapping "I would pay for that movie, but me personally would of beat your ass"

Everyone looked at me weirdly but Jade and Cat, "what" I said shrugging.

Andre went to go check on Tori, then they send Robbie and rex, and then Cat.

I groaned "this is taking to long, also that puppet scares me" everyone nodded agreeing.

Then Sikowitz sent me to check on them.

"Don't call him a puppet, that's an offensive term"

I walked over to cat looking at Robbie and Rex weirdly "Uh he is a puppet, anyways Sikowit said come back right now or he is going to cut your hair off" I said skipping away hearing them talk confused.

"Why do you look all smiley" Jade asked as i walked into class.

I smiled "I told them if they don't hurry Sikowitz was gonna cut all their hair off" I said making Jade high five me.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now