46. Locked up! Pt. 3

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Cynthia pov

It was Me, Jade, Cat, Trina and Tori all on one bed. We were trying to sleep but explosions kept going off. Well Jade was sound asleep.

"How can she sleep in the middle of war" Trina asked after looking at Jade still asleep.

"I dont like this hotel" Cat said.

"Oh, come on, guys. Its just bombs. you know, im sure that the-" but she was cut off by a bigger explosion sounding right next to the window.


"Dude wha-" I asked after Robbie climbed up from under the blankets.


"Hi" Cat said smiling at him.

"Get out of out room"

"No, im afraid to sleep alone"

"what about Andre and Beck" I asked confused.

"they made me sleep in the bathtub, and i saw a lizard in there"

"A lizard"

"Oh, my god"

"You guys are such babies. Just because this place isn't quite as cushy as America, you make it seem like we're in the middle of-" but she was cut off by everyone screaming when a man jumped through our window and on the bed.

It was the bellman from earlier.

Still screaming when the guys with whistles aslo jumped through out window.

"Help me! help me" he yelled as they all went back through the window.

"We are getting out of this country!" Tori yelled.

We all agreed getting out of the bed and running out of the room, as we heard sirens going off.

"Hey" Tori said when we all went to the front desk.

"Hello, Buddies" he said eating something.

"Who wants mushroom" he said picking up his bowl and showing us.

"No one!" Tori said as he placed it back down.

"We are leaving rig-" but i was cut off by another explosion, and the hotel moving earing in us almost falling.

"We are leaving right now" I said as we all stood back up.

He chuckled "Oh, buddies"

"There they are" Robbie said as Him, Andre, Rex, Beck and Sikowitz came into the lobby.

"Ok, whats all the fizzy futz" Sikowitz said.

"We want to go- oh, my god" Tori said as we all looked at Andres neck.


"Oh god"

"Whats on his neck" Trina asked.

"Its from his moth bite. It won't stop growing" Beck said as Andre stated speaking all gibirishy.

"Oh, whats he saying" Tori asked rubbing his arm.

"I think it was-" beck said then started speaking gibberish.

"Uh, huh"

"here, it says a person who has been bitten by a vampire moth will often experience hallucinations or bizarre speech patterns" Cat said reading off her pear pad, as she was finished Andre started speaking gibberish.

"Ok, i just woke up and found this sitting on my chest" Jade said coming over and holding up a lizard.


Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now