99. Lucky She's Holding Me Back!

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3rd person pov


"no way" the two spoke cutting Tori off

"No. Oh, Cat" Tori sighed seeing Cat in the blonde wig

"What's going on?" Robbie asked coming over to the three

"Did you do that to Cat's head?"

"I couldn't talk her out of it" he sighed

"You helped her?"

"Do you see this belt? I am a wig master. Helping people with their wig needs is my duty" Robbie spoke as Cynthia rolled her eyes

"And me cutting it off and burning it is gonna be my duty" she spoke grabbing it before letting go as he groaned holding his stomach

Cynthia was standing next to Beck watching the movie, he smiled looking around as everyone laughed

"Larry! Oh my word. Stop the film. Stop the film!" Andre called seeing Larry sitting on Cat's head

"Cat. Dont move" he spoke looking at her

"Ive got to go freshen up" she spoke standing up, screaming as she walked when Larry began to flap his wings

"Listen Larry, my grandma needs you! Cat!" Andre called out following her

"i gotta go get her" Cynthia sighed looking at Beck

"Its fine" he smiled kissing her as she ran off




"Please. Fix it, Robbie, Fix my wig" Cynthia heard as she walked over to Cat, Robbie and Tori

"Ok" he sighed as Tori and Cynthia stopped him


"This ends now"


"Cat, you're gorgeous the way you are, and you have an amazing personality. If he doesn't like you cause you dont have blonde hair hes a dumb ass, and he's going to lose the best thing ever. Any guy would be luck to go out with you" Cynthia explained looking at her sister

"Luck as cheese" Robbie added

"Please, Cat tell him the truth. Show him who you really are, and i promise he'll think you're amazing, and if not you can hit Tori"

"Are you sure he'll still like me?" Cat asked sadly

"100%" Tori nodded

"Come with me"

"i dont know about this"

"Its ok"

"But i dont like controversy"

"I know. I got you"

"Excuse me. Have you seen a blonde girl? She's-"

"Cat. yeah. I have" Cynthia spoke cutting Evan off as she looked him up and down before rolling her eyes

"She'll be back in a sec" Tori spoke up

"Is she all right?"

"Yeah. She - she just gets weird when birds eat from her hair" Tori nodded as Andre ran past them yelling for Larry

"Larry! Larry, eat from my finger! Larry!" he yelled running after the bird

"Why dont you wait here for Cat? She's really sweet, and pretty, and deserving of being accepted for who she is"

"huh?" he asked confused

"Dumb as a nail" Cynthia whispered to Tori who nodded

"Just wait here" Tori spoke before leaving as Cynthia stayed there, he was not gonna talk crazy to her sister and get away with it

Cat came out from behind the corner as he looked over at her "Hi" she spoke standing in front of him


"I guess" she spoke playing with her hair

"is that you?" he asked as Cynthia let out a breath closing her eyes, how dumb can someone be


"It was a blonde wig. And the blue eyes were fake. It was for Beck's movie. This is me" she spoke looking at him

"Well, you're beautiful"

"I am?" she asked smiling

"Totally. But im really into blondes. Later" he spoke going to leave

"Oh you little bitch!" Cynthia yelled as Cat grabbed onto her sister

"You dumb as a door knob rude ass bitch! Your luck she's holding me back! Or else i would of made you eat your own eye you puta!" she yelled as Cat was struggling to hold onto her

"I would go if i was you. I once watched her slam a girl into the dryers at school" Jade spoke glaring at Evan

"And last week she slammed someone into the window"

"And just yesterday she slammed someone into a wall"

"Voy a patearte el trasero, idiota de polla de camarón!" she yelled as Evan ran off

"Can i let you go now?" Cat asked looking at her sister

"I wouldnt, not until i feel he left the parking lot" Cynthia spoke

"Larry loves grandma!" Larry spoke flying past the two

"Larry,  i got the wig on and its full of bird seeds! Come eat from my wig!" Andre yelled running past the two

Cat let Cynthia go after a second, before Cat went to talk to Tori

"How'd it go?" Cynthia asked looking at Tori

"She hopes something bad happens to me to ruin my weekend"

"Not bad"

"she wouldnt hug me"

"Oh, she hates you"

"I know, dont remind me" Tori sighed "So did you yell at him?" Tori asked as Cynthia nodded

"Even in Spanish" she smiled "But the second i see him im beating his ass" she spoke sitting on the steps as Tori sat next to her

"I feel bad, i pushed her to do it"

"No, no you didnt. It was mainly me, i just told her she could punch you if it goes wrong" Cynthia shrugged

"Not again, remember when she punched me so hard she broke my nose?" Tori asked as Cynthia nodded laughing a little

"I think it was one of the best days of my life i cant lie" Cynthia smiled

"I hate that we hate each other" Tori spoke up after a while

"I dont know, Tor, its okay between us right now" Cynthia spoke looking at her

"I know, i just wish it was better. I need to tell you something, i didnt want Beck i wanted y-" But Tori was cut off as the group came over to them

"Finally got Larry" Andre smiled holding the cage

"Make sure its locked good" Cynthia spoke as Beck helped her up

"Talk later?" she asked looking at Tori who nodded

"No, yeah, yeah of course" she fake smiled watching the couple walk off

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now