105. The Real Hambone King

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3rd person pov

"Haven't you guys seen Robbie's hambone video?" Cat asked looking between them, "yeah. We've seen it" Blonde nodded

"Made me sick"

"Jarold could hambone better then you when he was nine years old"

"Wait. Who's Jarold?" Robbie asked a little confused

"I am" Burnette, Jarold, said pointing to himself

"He is" Blonde nodded to Jarold, "All day" Jarold nodded

"My brothers drink milk all day. And he's allergic to dairy, so not good" Cat said as they looked at her

"Listen, fellas. i dont want any trouble" Robbie shrugged looking between them, "Well, you got it. Outside. You and me" Jarold said pointing outside

"Im not gonna go out into the night with the two of you" Robbie shook his head as Tori was weirdly weaving her way between people while covering her face

"I guess you need to be convinced. Give his girl a tornado" Jarold said pointing at Cat

"What's a tornado?" Cat asked confused but was cut off as the blonde spit into her face while blowing

"Ew! That was so weird!" she said shaking her head as Robbie stood up, "Ok. First of all, she's not my girl. Unless you wanna be?"

"Im good"

"You better come outside or else he's gonna give her another one" Jarold said as Robbie sighed looking at Cat

"Let's take this outside" Robbie sighed once more going outside as the two followed, "Cynthia! Andre! Jade!" Cat called out going over to the three

"Robbie went outside alone with those two-"

"Dont worry" Andre said cutting Cat off and going over to her, "We got his back. Come on" he said grabbing Cat's arm as they went to leave

"Dude!" Jade yelled as Andre smacked the sushi from her hand before grabbing her and Cynthia's hand and bringing them outside

"Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" they heard everyone cheer, "Woah! Hold up!" Andre called as the four walked outside, Andre walking over to Robbie

"If you boys wanna fight Robbie, you gotta fight me too!" He said as Cat, Cynthia and Jade walked over to the two

"Um. Would it be okay if they fought just you? Cause-"

"Hey, idiots" the blonde called out cutting Robbie off, "Yes?"


"My boy here doesn't wanna fight Shapiro" blonde said putting his arm around Jarold as the crowed booed a little, "Then how come we're not all back in there eating?" Cynthia asked rolling her eyes

"Cause we're about to have ourselves a hambone off!" the blonde smiled as everyone clapped, "My third grade teacher's name was Mr. Boneoff" Cat smiled

"He's dead" Cynthia added

"Come on. Lets hambone!" Jarold called out as the crowed cheered

"Jade" Robbie snapped his fingers, "Bring me that crate"

"Cat? Bring him that crate" Jade said nodding to the crate, "K,k" Cat smiled going and grabbing the crate

"Where's Tori?" Robbie asked as Cat set the crate down behind him, "Maybe she's in the restroom napping" Cat smiled as Robbie sat on the crate

"All right. Standard international hambone rules apply. Call it" blonde, lets call him Joe, said grabbing a coin from his pocket, "Quarter!" Robbie yelled out as they looked at him confused

"Yeah. We know its a quarter" Joe said putting the coin back on his hand, "He means heads or tails" Cyn said placing her hand on her hip

"Who call tell. It was flippin' through the air so fast!"

"He calls heads" Andre said annoyed, "Yay heads!" Cat called out

"Its tails. Jarold goes first" 'joe' nodded as Jarold sat down, "Come on Jarold. You can take him" some random girl called out as 'joe' was taking off Jarold jacket

"Ready?" Joe asked as Jade and Cynthia took their phones out recording, "Hambone!" Joe yelled as Jarold began to slap his hands on his legs and then once he was done Robbie went

And this went on for a few rounds until Robbie accidently slapped himself right in the baby maker, the group gasped and groaned as Jade and Cynthia were holding onto each other laughing still recording

"Oh yeah!" Joe yelled as Robbie fell sideways onto the ground

"Jarold wins! The real Hambone King!" Joe yelled holding up Jarolds arm as everyone, besides the four friends, were cheering for Jarold

"Boom!" Kawaka said as he ripped up Robbie's autograph before throwing it on him and walking away

"Come on, Rob" Andre said as the four walked over to him, Cat patting his arm, "Let's go back inside" Cynthia spoke softly looking at him

"No!" Robbie cried, "Robbie, come on"

"Yeah. We'll get you some ice for your, ah, injuries" Jade nodded, "No, just-just leave me here on the dirty ground where i belong" he cried

"Okay" Jade shrugged as her and Andre turned to go inside, Cat and Cynthia hesitantly leaving him

"Sorry, Rob" Cynthia frowned a little

The friends, mins Beck, sat on the chairs at Tori's house, Cat was tap dancing and Tori was somewhere

"Robbie" Jade sighed, "Come on, man, its-" but Andre stopped talking as he, Cyn, and Jade turned to see Cat tap danding

"Come on, Robbie. Its not so bad" Cynthia shrugged, "Big deal. You lost a hambone competition" she added as he squealed a little

"Its over. And its not like the whole world saw it" Jade added looking at him, "Uh-huh! Its all over the internet" Cat spoke up still tap dancing

"How'd it get on teh internet?"

"We might've uploaded it" Cynthia and Jade said at the same time, "Both of you?"

"Different angels" Cyn shrugged as Trina walked down the stairs, "Why did you guys need slippers?" she asked confused holding pink slippers

"Grab the cat" Jade said grabbing the slippers from Trina, "Yup" Andre nodded standing up

Cat gasped laughing as Andre picked her up, "Yay! Im a kite!" she smiled as jade put the slippers on the bottom of the tap dance shoes

"Enjoy" Jade said going and sitting back down, "Now you can tap till your feet fall off" Andre nodded as Cat smiled going back to tap dancing, but it was now silent

The door bell rang twice as Trina sighed, "Just open it!" she yelled as Beck walked in holding a watermelon, "hey"

"Why are you here?" Jade asked looking at her cousin, Cynthia groaned at the two in another fight

"Andre texted me and said Robbie got hurt, so i brought a watermelon" Beck chuckled patting the watermelon

"Why?" Andre asked confused, "Robbie loves watermelon" Beck said passing the watermelon to Robbie, "Wa wa"

"And i missed my girlfriend" Beck smiled kissing her forehead, lifting her from her spot, sitting down and then placing her across his lap

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