19. The Woods Pt.2

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Cynthia pov

The next day after school we were at Tori's house going to get a sneak peak of the woods.

I was sitting on the couch with Beck, as Tori came over giving him his lemonde.

"Your lemonade sir" she said as he grabbed it.

"Thanks, hey why is it pink" he asked making me look at him.

"Its pink lemonade" she said shrugging.

"i've never seen pink lemons" he said making me agree.

"There are no pink lemons" I said as i saw Trina walking in through the back door.

"So, what makes it pink" he asked making me groan and flop on the floor.

"Well you know, its- its a- shut up" she whined.

"Hi" Trina said walking past us and sounding sad.

"Hey guess what we got"

"I don't care" Trina said making me snort.

"come we got an advanced copy of the woods, first episode wanna watch" I asked as Beck picked me up off of the floor.

"No, they rejected me" she said turning around to look at us.

"Yea but im on it" Tori said making me chuckle.

"i gotta go change a lightbulb" She said walking up the stairs and leaving.

"All rigth lest view this"

"Don't you wanna wait for jade"

"Jades here" I said looking at the tv.

"Im here" she said coming downstairs.

"Wait, when did you get here?" Tori asked confused

"Half hour ago"

"where have you been" she asked still confused.

"In your room, you have a lot of things in here" she said making me raise an eyebrow.

She sat next to me, Tori came and sat next to Jade, but Jade pushed her off of the couch.

"Lets see it" Jade said as Andre started the show.

"Welcome to the woods, Hollywood at this performing arts school, hollywood arts, you can find good drama on stage, but the best drama happens off stage, Beck and Cynthia have been dating for almost a year, but is Beck getting tired of the same old things"

"Hey its beck" Tv Beck said making me raise my eyebrow and sit up away from him.

"Hi baby" it said cutting to Tori.

"Whats up"

"My parents arent home"

"oh that sounds pretty good"

"I know i feel like i havent seen you in forever"

"So, guess what i want"

"Aw, you want me to tickle your tummy"

"yeah sure"

"you should come over"

"my girlfriend isnt going to like that"

"i wont tell her"

"okay ill be there soon"

"all right love you miss you"

"you make me happy"


Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now