10. Robbys Blog

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Cynthia pov

We were eating lunch when Cat ran over holding something, she's been addicted to sky store lately.

Everyone stopped eating to look at it, and they went back to eating.

"Don't you guys wanna know what is it" She asked looking at everyone.

"Is it a transfer from the future that can beam you to another table, cause if it is what button do i push." Jade asked making me hit her.

"That's so hurtful" Cat said sitting down.

"you know, you don't always have to be mean to everyone" Tori said.

"She isn't mean to me and Beck , somethings Andre" I said shrugging.

"See, Tori's interested in my device" Cat said excitedly.

"I'm really not" Tori said making me pinch her from across the table.

"Aw, come on, little red, tell us about your doohickey" Andre said making me smile.

"Okay, its called the snowbee, watch" She said standing up and pressing buttons on the machine.

"Oh it's peaceful"

Cat started clapping and giggling when Jade got up turning it off.

"It makes pretend snow"

"We see that kitty" I said as Beck got the fake snow out of my hair.

"Its all over my tostada"

"And my pizza"

"Well don't eat it" Cat saud seriously.

"Why" Jade asked picking up her food.

"Cause it says all fake snow it toxic and can cause abdominal bleeding" She said making everyone but me dropped their food shoving it into the middle.

I shrugged going to eat the food, when Jade and Beck slapped it out of my hand.

"She just said it causes abdominal bleeding" Jade said looking at me.

I turned to look at her "Maybe it was a sign" I said shrugging.

"So what made you buy something that poison's people's lunches" Tori asked looking at Cat.

"This catalog" She said holding up the sky store magazine.

"Sky store"

"Yeah, me and Cat went to visit our uncle and uncle this weekend in San Francisco, and they had these on the planes, and then this dude gave me more and gave Cyn his number"

Cat said making Beck look at me "I threw it away" I said leaning my head on his chest.

"Good" he said kissing my forehead.

We were talking when Robbie came over "Unbelievable, you guys have no idea how upset i am about, it snowed in Los Angeles"

"I told you global warming was bogus" Rex said making Robbie look at him "I told you to stop watching "fox news".

"No, its fair and balanced" Rex said making me raise my eyebrow.

"Its not real snow" Tori said.

"But you can eat it" Jade and I said at the same time.

"I dont wanna eat anything" Robbie said sitting down.

"what are you upset about" Andre asked

"this time" I added

"The seniors, the ones who run the slap"

"dotcom" Cat asked interrupting him

"not dot gov" he said back rudley

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