29. Freak The Freak Out Pt. 2

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Cat pov

"Um hi" i said tapping her.

"Miss" I said earning in her looking at me.

"what" she said then looked back at Beck.

"he has a boyfriend" " i have a girlfriend" we said at the same time.

"I don't see her" she said going back to trying to touch Becks hand.

Cynthia pov

"turn around" Jade said sipping her drink.

"Now you see her" I said smiling

"I don't see much" she said looking Jade up and down.

"Well for starters she hotter than you, second I'm the girlfriend, and if you don't get your grimy little hands away from my boyfriend this cups about to be far up your as-"

She stood up standing in front of me.


"SO uh"

"hey, did you guys know that karaoke comes to us from the Japanese"

"yeah how great is Japan"

"good people"

"hey, check out dudes jacket"

"oh Hollywood arts the school for wannabes"

"you might wanna be walking away before i make you go see Hollywood arts"

"From above" Jade added crossing her arms.

"really" she asked coming closer.

"Really" I said smiling.

"hey, look at what they got on the menu, buffalo nuggets, well that's good news, not for the buffalo"

"so, Hollywood arts, you girls come to sing tonight" she said making me roll my eyes.

"we didn't come for the buffalo nuggets"

"but we are going to get some right " he asked speaking over the girl while touching her shoulder.

"And you might wanna get your hand off her before you never see Hollywood arts again" I said looking at him.

"yeah, we're singing tonight"


"so are we"

"i like japan, except are brother got stabbed there, it was an accident, he's better now, are buffalo nuggets spicy" Cat asked making me want to flick her.

"Okay, we have a singing contest going on here, next up we are a couple of Karaoke Dokie regulars, Haley Ferguson and Tara Ganz" he said as they got onto the stage.

"Enjoy us" she said

"enjoy my monkey fur" Jade said waving her purse around.


"What Beck"

"Are you mad at me"

"More annoyed, that you let tori call me a gank, and then let that thing touch your hair and hands, and then touch her in front of me, and they cant even sing" I said to him while they were singing horribly.

"I'm sorry cyn, you know i don't mean to hurt you, i didn't know what to say to Tori, and I stopped her from touching me many times, and i didn't mean to touch her" he said grabbing onto my hand.

"yeah we're clapping because its over" Jade yelled as everyone was clapping.

"Alright, next up in this singing competition, we have Jade west, Cynthia and Cat Valentine" he said as we walked onto the stage.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now