37. Hospital again

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Cynthia pov

After Trina dragged her up to her room, the little boy came over to us.

"uh, dude"

"Uh, what" Tori asked confused.

"you and those three chicks owe me some lips" he said as Beck looked over to us.

"Okay, but uh lets go somewhere more private" I said grabbing his hand.

"Good call" he said as Beck got up, but i looked at him shaking my head.

"come with me" I said smiling.

"yes, ma'am"

"And now ill open the door, but you go first we have to get ready" I said smiling opening the door.

"Cool" he said going out the door, as i closed it locking it, and walking away.

"hey" he yelled hitting the door.

"Kiss the shrub" Tori yelled walking away.

"Wait, Kesha wait" Trina yelled as they came down the stairs.

"No, you're weird"

"yeah she is"

"Trina, Kesha i am so sorry about her"

"Is she your sister"


"im sorry for you"

"everyone is"

"Are those real cheek bones" she asked touching tori's face.


"hey that little boy got locked out" Trina said going over to unlock it.


"trina dont"


"dont open that door, get back here, Trina"

"oh, what's wrong, little guy" she asked opening the door as he came inside.

"Those girls promised to kiss me and didn't"

"i didn't promise anything" I said crossing my arms.

"oh, well you could give me a little kiss"

"Gross" he said leaving, as i bursted out laughing.

"Damn, i love that kid" I said laughing.

The next day i was walking to class when i stopped feeling like i couldn't move, all the sudden my vision started going in and out, as my breathing went slower.

"Hey, you good" Someone asked coming over, i tried to speak but nothing came out.

He came over closer grabbing my arm to help me stand

The watch on my wrist started beeping, he looked at it confused.

He helped me sit on the floor as i felt myself going to pass out.

"hey hey hey" he said laying me down from the sitting position on the floor.

"I- wh- why" i tried to speak but i couldn't.

"hey its okay, these a button on here do i press it" he asked as i remember the button would alert Sikowitz.

I nodded or at least tried to, but he got it and pushed the button.

"Your breathings going down fast, should i get Lane" he asked as i felt my eyes close.

"Cynthia your watch went-" I heard Sikowitz say but stop.

I heard him run over to me.

I could only hear.

Until I couldn't.

3rd person pov

Sikowitz felt his world stop when he saw Cynthia laying on the floor with someone he doesn't know

He ran over sitting on the floor "what happened" he asked not being able to look away from her.

"I was going to the office when i saw her, she looked pale and stuff so i asked if she was okay and she couldn't talk to i placed her on the floor, and then i pushed the button on her watch and you came" Chase spoke quickly not knowing what was going on.

"Go to the office and get lane, tell him to bring a phone now" Sikowitz said trying to calm down.

Chase nodded and ran off to go find Lane.

"Cynthia" Sikowitz spoke moving the hair out of her face.

Her breathing started going slower making Sikowitz start to freak out more, but knew he couldn't cause he has to be okay from Cynthia.

Beck was walking in the halls with Cat looking for Sikowitz since class started and he wasn't there.

He looked up from his phone when he heard Cat gasp.

"what's wrong" he asked looking at her, he slowly looked to where she was looking when she didn't respond.

When he looked over he was Sikowitz, Cynthia, Lane and a guy he's never seen before.

He rushed over when he saw Cat go over there.

"wh-what happened" Cat asked looking at everyone.

"She passed out" Lane said placing a wet wash cloth on her forehead.

"I-is she still breathing" Chase asked looking at her.

Lane nodded checking her pulse.

Cat crouched on the floor grabbing the wrist that had the watch.

"She needs to go to the hospital" cat rushed out seeing her heart rate slow down.

"We called they should be here-" but he was cut off when the paramedics walked through the door.




Even a day went by and there was no news on Cynthia.

"Is she okay"

"what's going on"

"where is she"

"is she awake"

Everyone had so many questions, Sikowitz, Cat, Jade and Beck haven't left the hospital since she got there.

Andre, Robbie and Tori, only left to get the things they needed to stay there.

Even the random boy Chase was there.

No one knew him, but Sikowitz still asked him to be there.

They all hurriedly stood up when the doctor came into the waiting room.

He sighed looking at his hands "Cynthia she-"

A/N - forgive me please.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now