22. Jade's Play

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Cynthia pov

Walking around the school I was bored, I raised my eyebrow hearing beck talking.

"Yea she doesnt know"

"Yeah i love you bye"

I felt my heart drop, running away before he opened the door.

I was confused seeing Tori and Jade walk out of the janitors closet but i shrugged.

We were at Tori's playing cards and stuff, I still haven't talked to Beck all day and each time he does call i ignore him and act like i have a phone call.

I was in between Andre and robbie, and then Tori, Cat and Beck on the other side of Tori.

"And then" Beck asked Tori as i bit my lip looking at my cards.

"She thanked me for ruining her life" Tori said looking at Beck then looking down.

"At least she thanked you" I said shrugging.

"Gimme one" Beck said putting a card down.

"Two" Tori said also placing a card down.

"whats Trina doing" Robbie asked making me look at Trina.

"Im putting avocado on my face to give it a natural glow" she said then placed more on her face.

"Cyn-" Beck began but I acted like I had a phone call grabbing my phone.

"I used male makeup" Robbie said making me raise my eyebrow as i placed my phone down.

"You know, maybe you shouldn't tell so many people that" Beck said making me suck my teeth and look at him.

"And maybe you shouldn't have secret phone calls and say i love you to them" I whispered but I knew Andre and Robbie heard me when they "ooooed".

"Uh what's going on between you guys" Tori asked confused looking between us.

Beck sighed "I don't know, she hasn't talked to me all day" Beck said leaning back in his seat as i glared at him.

"Wait Jade's dad's only coming to the play on the first night, so then why don't we just do it the way Jade wrote it for that one night" Cat said breaking the tension.

"Cause Mrs.Lee is going to be there and she wants in done her way"

"But what if she's not there"

"I think Cat just said something pretty smart" Andre said making me pinch him.

"I'm sorry" Cat said making me frown at her.

"No, Kitty thats good im proud of you" I said making her smile at me .

"come on, come on, how do we keep Mr. Lee from going to opening night" Tori said as I looked up making eye contact with Beck.


"You got a plan"

"No, i don't like this game, I wanna play bingo" Cat said putting her cards in the middle.

"Wait, wait Mrs. Lee it totally obsessed with celebrities"


"So if a celebrity walked into her restaurant right before the play started-"

"Or a fake celebrity" tori said as everyone looked at me.

"What" I said eating Trina's avocado face mask.

Beck and Robbie were in the restaurant as I walked in with Andre as my fake bodyguard.

"Is that- is that Jackie-"

"Jackie Bonet!" Beck and Robbie said coming over to us.

"Oh, my God"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey" Andre said pushing them back.


"Come on guys let's back it up" He said as I was on my phone.

"Uh, excuse me" Mrs. Lee said coming over making Andre go in front of me.

"Could I get a photograph with you for my wall of celebrities" she asked as I looked at Andre.

I whispered into Andres ear "she'd be glad to take a picture with you, after she's had her dinner" he said as i went back onto my phone.

"Uh but i've got to go to a play right away"

"She eats fast" Adre said leading me to a table.

"uh, uh, ah dang it!" Mrs. Lee said as i sat down.

"What am i gonna do now"

"You can't miss getting a picture with Jackie Bonet"

"I hear she never eats at the same restaurant twice"

" I have also heard that"

"Okay, ill wait for her to finish her stupid food" Mrs. Lee said walking away as me and Andre got the menus out.

I was eating slowly and very full "come on Jackie Bonet, you've been eating for over an hour" Mrs. Lee said coming over.

"When can i take my picture with you"

"soon, just-" Andre said waving her off.

"Eat slower" Andre whispered to me.

"If I keep eating im going to go throw up on you" I said smiling and eating more.

"That's it im leaving" she said going to get her stuff.

Andre patted my arm, as Robbie and Beck came over.

"Oh no"

"Jackie Bonet is having heart contractions'" Robbie said making me look at Andre wide eyed.

"Ugh ah" I groaned standing up with my hand on my chest.

I groaned grabbing the cloth off of the tabe and falling on the floor.

"Jackie no"

"Ah dang it, i'm out" Mrs. Lee yelled as Andre came over.

"So, uh,i kinda landed on my arm weirdly" I whispered to Andre.

"Hey, you can't go now"

"Yeah you'd better do something"

"Yeah I'll do something" she said as an employe grabbed a camera, she came over crouching down and taking a picture with me making me groan when she dropped me running off.

"Wait, what about Jackie Bonet?" the employe asked.

"Just drag her body out by the dumpster, and don't say nothing to nobody" she said making me look at Andre.

Robbie and Beck came over helping me up "Thanks" I said holding my arm.

"What happened" Robbie asked looking at it.

I shrugged "Probably bruised, I just landed on it weirdly" I said rubbing it.

"Cyn can we-" Beck began but i turned to Andre.

"Take me to the hospital" I said as he nodded looking at Beck and then me.

After the hospital Andre dropped me off, it was just a bruise.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now