50. Helen is here

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3rd person pov

The day was normal everyone was at school expect for Cynthia Valentine.

She was in the hospital doing her monthly check up meaning the has to say in the hospital for 3-4 days.

"thats a cool bike" Robbie said to Sinjin.

"I know, i got three other guys dying to buy it" Sinjin said.

"400." Sinjin said.

"400?" Robbie asked in disbelief.

"uh- ah, jeez"

"Later" Tori said to her friends when Robbie called her.

"Tori, Tori come here" he said as she went over.

"what? I told you im not going to shave the back of your neck"

"I know, Sinjin is selling this bike"

"Oh, cool bike" she said looking at it.

"Right, ok, so- if this were my bike, do you think it would make Cynthia wanna date me"

"she's dating Beck"

"i know"

"would it make you date me?"

"No, but it's a really cool bike"

"Im growing impatient" Sinjin said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Ok, ill take it"he said grabbing his wallet out of his pocket.

"It is hairy" Tori said touching his neck.

"Hello! your attention please" Sikowitz said into the mic as he was on the stage.

"Up here. Im waving. See my hand moving to and fro" he said waving his hand like crazy.

"Everybody shut up" Jade yelled standing on the seat, knowing Cynthia would love her for this.

"Ah, Jade. So sweet and feminine" he said as she sat down.

"And now i give you a man who needs no introduction. he was born besides a river in Kentucky, way back in 19-" but he was cut off when Eichner stole the mic from him.

"Sikowitz give me the mix"

"Principal Eichner" he said into the mic, as everyone clapped.

"Students and faculty, it is with a heaving heart that i tell you, as of today, im resigning as principal of hollywood arts" he said as everyone started talking.

"Ok, now shh, please hold your murmurs.. Its not that i dont love running this school. I do. But i've fallen in love with a tahitian woman, and i want to spend time with her, and her people" he said as Sikowitz came over taking her banana away.

"It hurts, it hurts" Cynthia kept repeating when having to get yet another shot.

"I know, only a few more" the nurse apologized.

"I can't, i cant. It hurts so bad" she cried as more needles went into her arm.

"Ok, 2 more. and then we're all done" The nurse said cleaned her arm for two more.

"I dont want to, i can't" she cried when she felt pain all through her body and the needles working as she had one more. 10 down one to go.

"Stop, i cant it hurts" she cried feeling her arm slowly go numb.

"You're doing so good, one more. Okay only one more" the nurser said in a calm voice cleaning the other arm for another one.

"No, please" she cried when yet another shot went into her arm.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now