109. A slightly better screen

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3rd person pov

"Are you two sisters?" A lady asked looking at Tori and Cynthia, "Us?" Cynthia asked, "I take offence to that" she added

"No. We're not sisters" Tori laughed a little, "Why do you ask?"

"Because i heard you say you weren't on a date and you're both so attractive. And you've both got similar bone structure, so i figured if you weren't on a date, you must be sisters" she chuckled

"No, just friends" Cynthia smiled, "See, she has a boyfriend"


"Beck, her boyfriend. And he's my friend"

"Dont say that"

"So, uh, it would be weird for us to date"

"Why would that be weird? If they broke up, you're both single" the turle dude asked confused

"Cause we all hang out together"

"So?" the lady with a bird asked, "If i could chime in, i think what she's saying is, maybe her boyfriend, uhh"


"Beck, yes. They're still dating, so it would be weird to imagine the two of them together" a dude with a dog said

"Well, seeing at my boyfriend and I have broke up cause of something Tori has done, i dont think i would date her, plus me and Beck aren't breaking up" Cynthia said looking between them

"Are you sure he doesn't wanna break up with you?"

"Im sure!"

"I bet he loves you"

"Thank you"

"But that doesnt mean he doesnt wanna break up with you" Dog dude spoke up

"I think we're ignoring the obvious question" another random dude with a lizard spoke up,

"Do you two have feelings for each other?" he asked as Tori and Cynthia looked at eachohter, "Is our dog medicine ready?" she chukled

"So why dont you wanna break up with Beck?"

"yeah, why?"

"Cause i love him? You know what? I dont wanna talk about this" Cynthia scoffed

"She's afraid to face her feelings" turtle dude said at the others scoffed, "No, I'm not. Look, i love Beck, ok? He means the world to me and he's done everything for me? Even though he's protective and would freak over random things"

"Something boys do that, because we're scared inside" another random boy spoke up as Tori and Cynthia turned to glance at him

"And we need someone we love to make us feel safe" Lizard boy nodded

"Woah, woah, now. Trust me. Beck is very comforting to her, and they both feel safe" Tori spoke up

"You probably just want Cynthia for yourself" the little boy scoffed

"i do not want Cynthia for myself! Look, Cynthia and I are just friends. All right?" Tori sighed

"So you told everyone you're hanging out tonight? Especially Beck?"

"No" Tori said playing with her fingers



"Respectfully, its no one's business if we hang out or not" Cynthia said rolling her eyes

"And there they are" Jade, Beck and Cat walked into the pet clinic, "Beck

"Thing's are about to get real"

"Wow, Tori and Cynthia are here. Who'd have thing that they'd- I mean, what a coincidence. Oh, who am i kidding" Cat sighed sitting down

"Wait, so that's Beck?"

"Look, we can explain why we didnt tell anyone-"

"How are you gonna explain that you're on a date with his girlfriend"

"Wait, a date?" Beck asked confused looking at his girlfriend, "No, its not a date!"

"Well, if they broke up, she has ever right to go out with Tori" the bird lady said

"We didnt break up!" Cynthia and Beck said at the same time

"Not a date" Tori added

"Hey, Cynthia, which one of them do you think is more attractive?" the little boy smiled, "You're like 10, stay out of this!"

"You have no right to be mad at Cynthia and i aren't on a date"

"Im not mad, I know.

"You're not?"


"Careful, its a trick!" Cat said standing up

"I was never mad. From the start i wanted you two to get along, then Tori did all of that stuff and i thought we would hate her forever. You guys are hanging out like we always do. There's nothing to be mad about. Me and Cynthia are dating. We're all friends, kind of. We can hang out with whoever we want" Beck shrugged

"Still thinking its a trick" Cat spoke up sitting down

"You're not mad i didnt tell you?" Cynthia asked walking over to Beck, "No, of course not" he smiled

"And here's your medicine for Dog" the lady said handing Cynthia a bottle, "Hey, where's Andre and Robbie?"

"i think still on the outside stage" Beck shrugged, "How'd you get out?"

"Cat and Jade snuck me out, i think they know by now"

"Oh, hey, Cat"

"Hey, Maureen" Cat smiled at her, "How's your brothers turtle?"

"Oh, not so great" Cat frowned, "What's wrong with his turtle?"

"He keeps accidentally flipping over and cant get back up" Cynthia said

"Oh, that's awful"

"Poor thing"

"Poor little guy just lays on his back for hours" Cat added

"So sad"

"This is so sad" Robbie said about to cry, "We're stuck here, on out back like turtles and somehow Beck left and we didnt know!"

"This is so terrible!"

"And all for nothing. Just a dumb Pear Pad 3" Andre sighed, "It has a slightly better screen"

"Shut up!" Andre yelled looking at him, "Shut up!" he added trying to hit him

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now