96. Her names Linda?

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3rd person pov

"A-ha!" she yelled pointing at her

"What?" she asked confused

"Excuse me. What's your name?" Beck asked looking at the delivery girl

"Linda" she said pointing to her name tag

"That is Linda" Beck nodded

"Yeah, that is Linda. Linda the liar! That is Ponnie!"

"You said Ponnie had brown hair" Cynthia spoke up leaning into Beck

"She's in disguise. This is Ponnie in disguise"

"i just need 23 bucks" Linda spoke as Tori sighed

"Okay. You guys go do whatever. Im going to have a little chat with "Linda."

"Ok, Ponnie, i know its you" Tori said as she closed the door behind her

"Why do you keep terrorizing me? I mean, what did i ever- oh!" Tori stopped as Ponnie kicked her in the leg

Tori fell onto the ground groaning and holding her leg "Get our of my school" Ponnie spoke dumping noodles on Tori's head before leaving

The group looked over as the door opened to reveal Tori on the ground scoot in and noodles all over her head

"Do you see? Do you see what happened?" she asked standing up

"Aw, you dumped mine and Cyn's Chinese noodles on your head" Andre groaned

"I know there are Chinese noodles on my head. But i didnt put them there. Ponnie did!"

"You mean Linda?" Andre asked as they watched the noodles fall off of her head

"Her name's not Linda"

"Her shirt said Linda" Robbie shrugged

"get out! Out! You. Right now!" she spoke as they all stood up and left

"Out! And take your stupid guitar and your stupid song!" she yelled pushing Robbie out

"Oh, yeah, shes crazy" Cynthia nodded "Hey! My chicken!" She called grabbing the container from the bag

"Cyn, baby, lets go" Beck spoke dragging her away from the food

Beck and Cynthia had been in the car driving back to her house, both her hands were on the wheel

He was playing with the bottom of her dress as she was trying to ignore his hand slowly moving up

"You okay?" he asked as she smiled at him

"Yeah, just wanna get back home, Tori's crazy might rub off on me" she laughed as he smiled squeezed her thigh

The second they had stepped into the house he had his hands around her waist and his lips on her neck

she closed and locked the door behind them, breathing heavily as they walked up the stairs and into her room, her laughing as he picked her up

He sat down on her bed as she locked her bedroom door before going and sitting on his lap, placing her arms around his neck as they began to make out

He let out a throaty moan as she began to move herself back and forth, as she moaned a little feeling her cunt rub against his clothed erection

"Fuck, Cynthia" he moaned gripping her waist tighter

"Lets get rid of this" he whispered, as she lifted her hips allowing him to take underwear leaving her in her dress, before he stood up placing her on the bed

He sat on his knees in front of her as she laid on her back "So pretty" he whispered, as she flinched from the coldness, trying to close her legs as he grabbed them holding them down

"Stay still" he said looking at her as she nodded

"Words, i need words" he smiled at her

"i won't move" she whispered

"Good girl" he whispered before he disappeared in between her legs

She moaned gripping on the sheets as she felt him began to eat her out

"F-fuck, Beck wait" she let out breathing heavily as he didn't stop

He smirked to himself, looking up at her to watch her face as he inserted a finger

She closed her eyes, as he stopped "Cynthia, look at me while i do this" he said as she opened her eyes looking at her

"Good girl, lets take these off" he said taking his shirt off as she took her dress and bra off

He took off his pants, as he kneeled back down

"Fuck, i need you right now i can't wait" she whined as looked at her

"I will, but right now this is all about you" he said before inserting two fingers in her as she gasped loudly

"how does it feel" he asked as she moaned

"So-so fucking good" she moaned loudly, as he reached up with his other hand placing it around her throat

"Fuck, i can feel you about to cum" he taunted, she whined as he stopped

He leaned up and kissed her as she placed her hands on his chest kissing him back

"Fuck" he whispered as she leaned in kissing him

Her hand went down letting his dick out from his underwear, she used the pre cum from his tip as lube, but knowing she was already dripping it wasn't going to be hard to get in

"Ready" she asked looking at him as he kissed her smiling, he was laying on the bed as she was on top of him

"I should ask you that" he said placing his hands on her hips

She nodded, as she moaned feeling it slip inside her easily

"Fuck, you're still so tight" he grunted grabbing her hips tightly as she moaned a little leaning her head on his shoulder

She began to bounce a little as he moved his hands to her ass helping her

"Fuck it feels so good" she moaned placing her hands on his chest

"fuck, fuck, right there don't stop" he moaned, his head leaning backwards as he grabbed her waist once more as she moaned

She was now on her back as he was in front of her, he was teasing her and she knew it as he kept putting it in a little and then taking it back out

"Fuck just put it in" she whined as he grabbed her hips before slamming into her as she gripped onto the sheets

"So tight" he grunted leaning down placing his hand on her throat squeezing now and then

"F-fuck im about to cum" she whined

"I know, baby, i know" he whispered

"Cum" he spoke as he felt himself about to finish

She finished as the same time he grunted finishing as they both were breathing heavily

"fuck" he whispered giving her a second, she let out a small moany whine as he pulled out

"Come on, let's go shower and use the bathroom" he whispered carrying her to the bathroom and seeing her on the counter as he started the shower

"Shower sex?" she jokes stepping in as he nodded following her, but he wasn't joking

"I love you, Cynthia" he whispered kissing her forehead, her nose and then her lips

"I love you more, Beck" she smiled kissing him once more before getting dressed

"Movies?" she asked grabbing her laptop laying on her bed, as he nodded going over and laying next to her

"Movies. Do you want any snacks?" he asked as she shook her head

"We can get them later, rigth now i just wanna lay with you and watch a movie" she spoke leaning up and kissing his cheek

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now