6. Broken Nose and Lies

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Cynthia pov

Me and Jade walked into the auditorium seeing Tori on this random dudes back.

People rushed over trying to get her off of him.

"Woah tori"

"Yo, yo come on"

"Tori relax"

"what are you doing" The teacher asked looking at Tori.

"That guy was beating up beck" she said pointing at him.

"Oh, you poor thing"

"Also jumping isn't cool" Jade and I said as we walked over to them.

"We were practicing" Beck told Tori as he put his arm around my waist.

"Thus is Russ"

"I'm Russ"

"He is a professional stuntman, i invited him here to teach the class about stage fighting".

"And now tori says "what is stage fighting" I said leaning into Beck, as she turned around asking Andre what stage fighting is.

"I took a class with him last summer" Beck said pointing at Russ.

"well, it looked like he was hurting you" Tori said to Beck making me roll my eyes.

"why do you care anyways" I asked twirling my hair in my finger looking at her.

"Cause i figure he already suffers enough pain being whatever you guys are, and being your cousin"

"I can show you pain" Jade said as i was about to walk over to Tori before Beck grabbed me and Andre ran over grabbing Jade.

"Let's go sit over there" Beck said as i was trying to get out of his grip.

We were all sitting down while Russ and Cat were showing how to stage fight, i zoned out until he started calling names for partners.

"Beck and Cat, Andre and Cynthia, Daren and Jess, Tori and Jade"

"Tori and who" She asked as jade looked at her smirking, I walked out of class hand in hand with Beck.

I was at lunch eating with Beck and Jade "so how's your stage fighting going" I asked drinking my Lemonade.

"Good me and cat have been rehearsing also"

"So have me and Tori".

"You aren't gonna hit her for real right" I asked.

"Nope, just wanna give her a scare"

"Cats walking away she looks sad i got to go" I said standing up and chasing after cat.

Me and Andre finished our scene when i threw him into a breakaway table, "good next we have Tori and Jade" The teacher said as i sat down to beck.

"Okay, for our scene I'm gonna be playing an old lady whos walking home from bingo game"

"And I'm playing a brutal mugger"

"Yeah, a brutal mugger, who mugs me whithout actually hurting me"

They got into position starting

"butternut" Tori yelled right away


"I was making sure it worked"

They were doing good until tori wacked Jade with the cant making her eye bleed, we all ran over to her, i stood up walking over to her when Tori turned around to look at Andre, when she did she still had the cane she spinned around hitting my nose with the cane.

"Oh my god" I yelled seeing blood from my nose drip on the floor.

"Tori hit me in the face for real" Jade yelled.

"I think you broke my nose" I yelled at her holding my nose my hands and the floor was covered in blood.

"Okay someone grab a chair" Tori gaveJade a chair as I fell back into someone as they caught me.

"Uh guys" he said but no one listened to him.

Tori gave Jade a breakaway chair.

"Cynthia" I heard Cat yell before footsteps.

"what happened" Cat asked the boy who caught me.

"Im not sure she just fell and i caught her"

"Tori turned around still holding the cane and she wacked Cyn in the nose, she said so but no one payed attention" Andre said looking between everyone.

Cat pov

"Is she okay" I asked seeing her eyes shut, and feeling tears in mine.

"Someone call my mom" Jade yelled as they helped her out of the room.

I grabbed my phone calling Sikowitz "Tori hit Cyn in the nose with a cane come to the theater room asap" I yelled hanging up.

Beck ran over grabbing Cyn from Jess, the boy who caught her "thanks" I said before following beck into the nurses office, she has to go to the hospital for a broken nose

Cynthia pov

I woke up looking around seeing it was a hospital, i groaned sitting up "where am i" I whispered when the doctor came in.

"Glad to see you awake, do you remember anything"

" Um i was doing a scene for theater and that's all i remember"

He nodded "From all i know is another student hit you in the nose with a cane and its a little broke" He said as I touched my nose groaning when i did.

I nodded "So i have to wear this" he nodded "only for a couple weeks and then come back and we can see if its healed" I nodded playing with the end of the blanket.

"Also, you have a couple of visitors" I nodded " you can send them in".

A little later Beck, Cat, Jade and Sikowitz walked in rushing over to me.

"Are you okay"

"What did the doctors say"

"Im so sorry i wasn't there"

"Want me to go crazy on her"

I laughed at everyone "ok, calm down, i barely remember what happened"

"Tori hit you with a cane, and she hit jade but she faked it" Cat said.

"So what did the doctors say" Sikowitz said sitting on a chair that was by the bed.

"I have a broken nose, and i have to wear this for a couple weeks, then come back to see if its okay or not"

They all nodded "I'm sorry i wasn't there, or noticed when she hit you or passed out" Beck said grabbing my hand.

I squeezed his hand smiling at him "It's okay don't worry about it, i only knew what was going on from the adrenaline and then i fell and passed out"

"Yeah, i notice when Jess was holding your limp body"

I bit my lip "better than me falling and hitting my head on the ground".

"So Jade what did you even do" I asked looking at her

"Well when tori "hit" me, i put fake blood, and then later i put makeup on making it look real, until at lunch someone threw water on me and then Andre found on and told Tori, so we had to scrape food off of the wall, but we tricked the security into doing it"

I yawned nodding, giving her a high five "Okay, leave I'm so tired" I said as they all laughed leaving besides Beck, he got onto the bed with me, we talked until we fell asleep, in each others arms.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now