88. So Did She Ever Get In?

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3rd person pov

Robbie and Tori were still stuck at Nozu, they were correctly chopping squid and singing

The pair of five were now sitting in Sikowitz's classroom, still discussing how Trina got into Hollywood Arts

"Trina did not get into this school by using knock out gas" Beck said, his chair was backwards as he was sitting in it, Cynthia was sitting on his lap half asleep

"That's the story I've always heard" Jade said crossing her arms over her chest

"I dont think its true" Andre shrugged

"I dont know" Cat said shaking her head "Trina's kind of cooky in the head. A little nutty in the old noggin. Some girls are like that, you know"


"Some are"

"we know"

"All right, ok. Do you want to know how Trina really got into Hollywood Arts?" Beck asked looking between them


"Oh, yes"

"Tell us, oh great Beck, who knows everything, except how to keep his girlfriend happy and his cousin happy" Jade smirked looking at her cousin

"Firstly shes always happy when shes asleep, and secondly you hate being happy" he said looking at her as she rolled her eyes but agreed

"Just tell the story!" Cynthia groaned rolling her eyes

"Four years ago, Trina came here to audition" Beck said, as he was going to speak Cat cut him off

"What are you doing?" She asked looking at Andre was was rubbing his temples

"Oh, while Beck tells the story I'm going to try and visualize it as it happened" he explained going back and rubbing his temples

"Oh, me too!" She smiled getting up and rubbing Andre's temples also

"Ok, so Trina was auditioning" he started


It all started with Trina singling horribly "Its a dream. Its a scene, and its brand new. If you think you cant stop it, then the joke is on you" She finished as all the "judges" looked around

"So, how was that?" She asked

"Well, Trina i would never use the word terrible, except in this case" Sikowitz said looking at her

Lane turned to him "Sikowitz, come on. She's a kid" he said as she smiled looking at him

"You liked it?" she asked as he looked at her

"Oh no, you're the worst" Lane said looking at her as her smile faded

"Im sorry, but we accept you here at Hollywood Arts." Principal Eicher said shaking his head

"Ok. I guess ill just leave then" She said turning towards her bag, before turning back around "Unless you guys are up for a challenge" she said earning in them all looking up at her

"What kind of challenge?" Sikowitz asked intrigued

"I fight all five of you. If i win, you let me into Hollywood Arts"

"Ha! Lets dance" Eichner said as they all stood up

"Foolish child" Sikowitz said shaking his head

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now