108. D-dont eat the clams

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Cynthia pov

"Hey, that a new top?" Jade asked coming over as Andre and Robbie stopped dancing, "Oh, yeah" Tori smiled

"Yikes" Jade said walking away as Tori's smile dropped, "It would be cute in a different color though" I smiled patting her arm before turning and walking away

"Okay, you guys ready to shoot one?" Sinjin asked, Andre, Robbie and Beck were on the outside stage, Sinjin was standing next to me as i sat on one of the lunch tables

"One sec!"

"Oh, my God!" Sinjin yelled out of no where, "What?" Beck asked looking at him

"What happened?" Andre added, "I just got a text. They found my mom in Mexico!" he yelled before going over to his bike

"What's she doing in Mexico?" I asked confused, "We're not sure. She's been into some pretty funky stuff lately" he said getting onto his bike

"Wait! You cant leave" Robbie yelled, "You gotta shoot our video" Andre added

"New week!" Sinjin said before peddling off, "Mother, your mijo is coming!" he yelled as i laughed

"Well, as much fun as this has been, i gotta go get ready" i said grabbing my phone and bag getting off of the table

"The contest will be over next week!" Robbie yelled before he slowly began to fall backwards, "Andre, Beck, help!" he yelled as they tried to help him but they all fell

"That was amazing. Bye, Beck, i love you!" I yelled walking off

"I love you, too!"

I was dressed in a white tube top, cargo pants and white Nikes as Tori and I walked on the sidewalk, "See? Look at us. I look great, you look awful"

"You said we were dressing bad"

"I dont have bad clothes" I shrugged smiling, "Well, i would never dress like this for a date, so" I shrugged as she looked at me

"What do you wear on dates then?" she asked as i thought for a second, "Just depends on where we're going, i guess"

"Well, i didnt shower"

"I can tell" I nodded, "So where are we going?" I asked as she stopped walking

"We are going to go and eat bad seafood"

"From a truck?" I asked scrunching my nose is disgust, "I said we can make this not a date, i dont wanna end up in the hospital"

"C'mon" she laughed grabbing my arm as we walked over to the truck

3rd person pov


"Help us" Andre, Beck and Robbie yelled, they were still onto of the outside stage all stuck

"Anyone, please!"



"Im so hungry" Andre sighed, "I have to tinkle" Robbie added

"How long have we been here like this" Beck spoke up, "About nine hours"

"Hey, cant believe we did this to ourselves" Andre groaned, "Just to get a stupid Pear Pad 3" Beck added

"Well it does have a slightly better screen"



"You say that one more time, im going to grab your head and pull it rigth off your body" Andre said letting out a breath

"Slightly better screen" Robbie sing sang as Andre leaned over hitting him, "Slightly better screen" he repeated

"Slightly better screen!" he said before hiding his arm in the costume seeing Andre could reach it

"Slightly better screen, slightly better screen" Robbie laughed

"Robbie, if you dont shut up im gonna hit you"

Cynthia pov

"We've been in this line for almost 20 minutes for some bad seafood" I groaned hitting my head on Tori's shoulder

"Look, we're next!"

"mm, how gross is this food?" Tori asked looking at me, "Disgusting. Is this fried clam?"

"Maybe" she shrugged, "Are they supposed to have hair?" I asked showing it to her

"Oh, ew" Tori shook her head, "See, this doesn't feel anything like a date, right? Now are you tell me why you were worried about this looking like a date?" I asked as she sighed a little

She went to talk but was cut off we we looked over to see the dude that was in line in front of us throwing up, "D-dont eat the clams" he coughed walking past us

Tori and I looked at one another before setting out food down, taking a drink of our drink, and then spitting it out

"I realize we'll probably die up here, hungry, thirsty, alone on our backs, dressed like fruit and a Pear Pad" Robbie spoke up after a little

"But, at least I'm going to die die with my good friends" he added before grabbing Andre and Beck's hand

"We're not going to die like this, Rob" Beck said looking at him, "We're not?" Andre asked

"Nope. We're gonna live. We have to live"

"Why?" Robbie asked, "So we can get out of here. And Robbie and i can hurt you with my own bare hands" Beck said as Robbie snatched his hands away from the two

"And maybe a baseball bat" Andre added, "Yeah. A bat. Id like that" he added before acting if he had a bat and hitting Robbie

Cynthia pov

"Sorry i ruined our not date thing" I said as Tori and I were in the car, apparently Sikowitz was holding a dog in his mini apartment and it ate something, so here we are

"Its fine, how many dates does someone go on and they go to the pet clinic? None"

"So dont worry. He should be good as new in a few days"


"Just have a seat and his meds to help him will be out soon" she said as i nodded

"Well, id say this is an amazing way to end our hangout" I said as we went and sat down

"Yup. Waiting for dog medicine" Tori chuckled

"And we're gonna have an eve more perfect ending

"What do you mean?"

"Trying to make him take his meds and waiting for him to, you know, poo out whatever he ate"

"Well, I think this has been a great little experiment?"

"Experiment?" I asked confused, "We've proved that you and i can hang out, you know, just the two of us and not have it turn into a datey thing" Tori shurgged

"Im still very confused about the while you thinking people will think this is a date" I said looking at her, she went to speak but was cut off once more

"Hey. Is that a dog?" some dude asked looking at me, "No, its a cow" i scoffed rolling my eyes

"Yes, its a dog" Tori smiled at him, "Ignore her"

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now