5. Try Number Two

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Cynthia pov

We walked out of class with me and Beck hand in hand, while Jade was holding my other hand, Tori was behind us groaning and moaning about the bird scene.

"Oh, come on how am i supposed to do this scene right, if no one will tell me what i did wrong, I thought you guys were my friends" Tori said making everyone turn around looking at her.

"we aren't your friend" Jade said grabbing my hand again pulling me towards the vending machine, also dragging Beck since he didn't let go, and neither did i.

" I was hoping we could be more than friends" I overheard Rex say to Tori.

"Uh it's so gross he's always hitting on girls" I heard Cat say as me and Beck walked back over while Jade was waiting for her drink.

"I never hit on you" Rex said looking at cat then turning to look at me "but your sisters that's a different story" he said making me throw my drink on him "Its okay, i know you want me" he yelled as Robbie to him to the bathroom.

"you guys, my problem"

"'Not everything is about you girl" I said stealing Becks drink

"number one rule of the bird scene, no ones allowed to help you".

"So this is what you did with your locker" Jade asked looking at the whiteboard on Tori's locker, I snorted covering it with a cough.

"Yeah, see its dry erase with a bunch of colorful pens in a convenient cup, so whoever wants to can draw or white what they want" She said looking at me, Beck and Jade, then to Cat, Andre, Robbie and Rex who came back from the bathroom.

"but you're supposed to decorate it yourself"

"Its a Hollywood arts tradition"

"Well what's wrong with letting other people be expressive on my locker" Tori said as Jade handed me a marker after she wrong dumb and i wrote stupid.

"Well for one thing they can do that" Robbie said pointing at what me and Jade wrote now saying 'Tori's dumb stupid locker'

"yeah well my lockers smarter than your guy's locker" Tori yelled as me and Jade already left when Beck came jogging up to us.

"So you ready?" Beck said walking into class with ms and Jade behind him.

"Oh, I'm way past ready, Sikowitz wants 'the bird scene' I'm gonna give him 'the bird scene', I got props, i got a backdrop and just to kiss up a little, i even got Sikowitz two large coconuts" she said grabbing two coconuts out of her bag.

"Those are good ones, you know he says the milk gives him visions" I said as Beck pulled me in front of him cause i could barely see from behind him.

"All right rehar-" he said walking into the class then ducking around weirdly "we have much to do today but first Tori 'the bird scene'"

"I'm ready and before i begin, id like you to have these two large coconuts" she said going and giving him the coconut's.

"Wonderful, you know, their milk gives me visions"

"I've heard"

"very good, everyone pay attention" he said taking the coconuts and sitting in the back.

"tori go ahead"

"one sec" she said going onto the stage and pulling down a backdrop making me look at Jade with my eyebrows raised.

"And i am ready" she said putting glass on

"Awesome action" Sikowitz said drinking a coconut.

"It was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone, living on the prairie was a dearie existence. No telephone, no radio" She walked over to the pencil sharpener rolling it when a bird on a string came down.

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