89. Platinum

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3rd person pov

"Back story. Back s-- Tori. Back story" Sikowitz kept repeating as everyone looked at him confused

"Why do you keep saying back story?" Cynthia asked confused

"Excellent question. When it comes to television shows and Hollywood movies most of the writing is terrible" Sikowitz said as everyone nodded

"Dont we know it"

"So good actors must make up their own backstory-a history from the character. Who is this person im playing? Where did i come from? What is this stain?"

"OH! The police found a weird stain in the backseat of our brothers car"

"What kind of stain?" Andre asked looking between the two sisters

"They dont know yet. They're talking the car seat down to "the lab" Cynthia shrugged leaning her head on Jade's shoulder.

"Maybe we should just talk about the back story." Tori shrugged

"Lets take a look at this performance-by me, from an old tv show called City Bus Night" he said before pressing play on the tv

"There i am guest starting at the character of 'Loogie'. So for my back story-"

"Hi, sorry to inturppet" Sinjin said coming into the room

"What is it, boy?" Sikowitz asked looking at him

"Mason Thonresmith is having a major press conference right now about the Platinum Music Awards" Sinjin said he then giggled and left

"I got it. They're streaming it on The Slap" Robbie said looking it on his pear pad

"Put it on the tv!"

"What about the tv!"

"Ok, lets see... w, w, w"

"No" Cynthia yelled pushing Sikowitz off of the chair and typing the website in

"Last year on the Platinum Music Awards were watched by over 200 million people worldwide. And this year, im very excited to announce that we will begin the Platinum Music Awards with a performance by a complete unknown"

"Is everyone watching! is everyone watching the preconference!" Sinjin yelled running through
the hallways

"Beginning now we are conducting a worldwide search for a fresh, young talent who will begin the award show with an original song and become an overnight music sensation. Now, please, hold your questions. Thank you. So for the next 48 hours we'll be accepting online video auditions at SuperstarBAM.com. So, all you young performers out there who feel you ahve superstar potential, show us what you've got" he finished as the video stopped and everyone began to talk over each other

"Okay. Settle down. Cool your jets. Sit. You can all work on your Platinum Music Award auditions later" Sikowitz said looking at his class


"all right"


"Now, i was talking about back story. Now, when i played Loogie i made a list of character traits for each letter of the name" He said writing "Loogie" on the white board

"So for "L" i was lonely. So then i thought i would be-" but he stooped as he turned around only to see his classroom now empty

Cynthia didn't really want to audition for the Platinum Music Awards, but then when Beck bribed her with food she decided to send one in

She sat on her floor deciding which song to send it, but she finally decided on the song she sang for her first "dance" her at Hollywood arts

She drank some water before starting the video

I don't even remember how it started
Something you said must've set me off
My words are bullets, and you're my favorite target
This isn't what I wanted, but I can't drop the gunMhm-mhm
Even I can't stop me
Just so you know, I'm sorryI'll send you love bombs after the war
Even though I know they don't work anymore
I'll wave a white flag after the storm
I promise I've calmed down, I'm not manic like before
So you lift the rug and I'll sweep the glass
And we can pretend like this never happened
Love bombs after the war
Even though I know they don't work anymore Even when I say it, I don't hate you
I'm trying even when I lose control
And it's unfair to pull you into my chaos
But after we're out of the trenches, I love you moreMhm-mhm
Just so you know, I'm sorry
I'll send you love bombs after the war
Even though I know they don't work anymore
I'll wave a white flag after the storm
I promise I've calmed down, I'm not manic like before
So you life the rug and I'll sweep the glass
And we can pretend like this never happened
Love bombs after the war
Even though I know they don't work anymore Mhm-mhm
I'm so sorry
Love, love bombin'
Don't go

She sent the video in before tossing her laptop to the side, grabbing her snacks she played the tv, she was currently binge-watching Teen Wolf, again.

"I try to read your mind, but i dont want to waste your time." Trina sang over the Tv as Mason sighed before stopping it

"Well, i cant take anymore of that. Click"

"Its fun to spray yourself with Mace. It's fun to squeeze your mothers face. Dont tell me no, just tell me yes, and then we'll break things made of glass" Robbie sang as Mason nodded


"Give it up. You cant win-" Some random sang as Mason stopped the video

"Eh. pitchy"

"Since you've been gone its been so long. it seems like forever. Baby, come on. Dont you know we were so good" Cat sang over the tv as Mason nodded


"Im flying. Oh im flying to a land" Andre sang as Mason smiled

"Oh, yeah"

Even Gibby sang a song

"So what im doing to do now is freak-a freak out." Miranda sung as Mason shook his head


"Shelter my eyes from the sun. And wait for the birds to fly by" Jade sand as Mason nodded once more

"i like it"

"Backing it to the bass" Burf said, he was kind of twerking in the bathroom

"Not sure i get this one"

"Move your body right next to mine, Feel the beat and we're lost in time" Rex sang

"I came back home with a pocket full of tin. Oh do doo-dah day hey!" Sinjin sang over the tv as Mason shook his head

"Please wont you cheer me up, oh, even if we're the only one's dancing." Tori sang as they all nodded, and played the next one

"I don't even remember how it started, Something you said must've set me off, My words are bullets, and you're my favorite target, This isn't what I wanted, but I can't drop the gun" Cynthia sang

"Write both of their names down" Mason said as they nodded writing down Tori and Cynthia's names down

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now