64. A Christmas Cynthia

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Cynthia pov

I smiled walking into Sikowitz class, going over and sitting in my seat when Sikowitz came in.

"All right, young lovers of learning and short pants"

"i do love short pants" Cat said sitting down, as Jade came over sitting next to me.

"Guess what i love"

"what" Cat asked looking at Jade.

"Slapping perky redhead's" Jade said drinking her coffee, as Cat began to laugh, stopping when she looked at her hair

"Now, Jade, dont be a Christmas grunch" Sikowitz said as Beck came over sitting on the floor laying his head on my legs falling asleep.

"Ha-haha, grunch--that's my word" Rex said.

"I cant calm down!"

"it isnt"

"its absolutely the end of the world" Andre and It said coming into the classroom being all loud.

"you have all new semester to make it up!"

"i dont care, I'm just going to give up music. Forget it, forget everything" he said as they sat down and he threw his bookbag on the ground.

"Ho, ho, ho and jingle bells" Robbie said tapping Andres leg.

"Andre, no!" I said as Andre grabbed Robbie chair from under him earning in Robbie and Rex falling to the floor.

"damn" I whispered, shrugging and playing with becks hair.

"i bet that jingled his bells" Jade said, as Robbie got up and Rex groaned.

"i'm sorry, but all yall can just keep the Christmas spirt to yourselves" He said as i frowned, sadly Chase had to go back home for Christmas and new years so he wont be back until mid January.

"Andre, you got a beef with Christmas?" Dad asked.

"I love Christmas beef!" Cat said as i looked at her.

"No, you like Christmas ham, the beef makes you hurl" I said.

"Yeah, every year our brother-" Cat began but was cut off by Jade.

"Cat!" she yelled as Beck jumped lifting his head from my lap.

"Geez, you woke me up" he yawned.

"Ooh, sorry, Beck. Certainly wouldn't want to keep you awake during my class" Sikowitz said fixing Robbie's chair that was still on the floor.

"Thanks. You're the best" Beck smiled laying his head back on my lap as i sighed shrugging.

"Now, before i get my-wha-pas!- teacher on. Andre, why the sourpuss?" Sikowitz asked after doing some Karate kick.

"yeah, why the sourpuss" Rex asked.

"i dont really wanna talk about it"

"Andre wrote a Christmas song for his creative music class" Toridilla said as Andre groaned and moaned putting his hand over his eyes like he was crying.

"And it was a really great song" she said as he moaned and groaned once more.

"But his teacher gave him-"

"dont say it out loud!" he yelled

"Ok. A D!" he yelled, even when he told her not to say it.

"Agh, i said it out loud"

"A D?" we all questioned.

"I've always gotten A's in music. How does a person go from an A to a D?"

"Happened to me in 8th grade" Jade said.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now