94. Crazy Ponnie

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3rd person pov

Cynthia was dressed in a white long sleeve flowy dress and matching white wedges, her backpack on as she was talking to Beck and Andre

"You look disgusting" Cynthia commented looking at Tori, she was yawning and looked very sweaty

"I know. I know. I look tired and awful. You know how i know? Cause i was just walking down the hall and then Jesse the janitor goes to me, "hi-ya, Tori. You look tired and awful. Duh"

"Well, I'm not agreeing that you look tired and awful..." Beck trailed off "but you do" he added

"And why do you?" Andre asked looking at her

"Ugh, you want to know why? ok. Here's what's going on in my life right now. First im supposed to-" but she was cut off as Sinjin began to play the saxophone

"Do you have to play that now?" Tori asked looking at him, as he stopped playing and looked up at her

"Yes" he nodded going back to playing

"Im supposed to write a one act play for Sikowitz's class. And Trina has a head cold and blows her nose all night long, which wakes me up. And I've spent, like, a billion hours trying to make this stupid Venetian carnival mask for my world culture class" Tori explained holding up a mask at the end


"Dont care"

"Let see it" Andre commented as Beck put his arm around Cynthia's waist as she leaned into him

"See" she said putting the mask on

"hey, you look better" Beck nodded as she took the mask off looking at him offended

Trina walked over right next to Cynthia before blowing her nose "Oh, my God. I am so sick" she said waving her snotty tissue around

"Trina, i swear if you dont get that nasty ass tissue away from me, you're gonna more than sick" Cynthia said glaring at her as she moved

"Feel how heavy this is" Trina said placing her snotty tissue in Tori's hand


"Ugh!" she groaned throwing the tissue as it stuck to someone's locker

"I think you really need to get some rest" Cynthia said looking at her

"I cant rest. I have to go to the bathroom and wash this Trina goo off my hand" she sighed walking away as Cat ran over

"You guys! You guys, have either of you seen Jade?" she asked looking between the three



"Why? What's wrong, Cat?" Cynthia asked looking at her sister

"Shes trying to kill me"

"Any reason?" Beck asked as Cat grabbed onto Andre

"Well, we were hanging out last night at Cynthia's house, when Cyn went to sleep she asked me to do we eyebrows"

"Oh no" Cynthia sighed shaking her head

"Do what to them?" Andre asked confused

"Make them look neater and nicer. Girls do that. We groom each other like monkeys. And usually Cyn does her eyebrows, but she was asleep. And Jade didnt wanna wait" Cat explained looking around

"So why is Jade trying to kill you?" Beck asked looking at her

"Well-" Cat began but was cut off

"Where is she!" They heard Jade yelled as Cat screamed hiding behind Cynthia and Beck

"Stop her!" Jade yelled as Cat screamed running off

"Come here!"

"please help me!"

"No, come here! Come here! Dont touch him!" Jade yelled as they ran around Sinjin

Cat ran off as Lane grabbed onto Jade "Relax, Jade!" he said as she tried to get out of his grip, as Cat ran over to Cynthia

"Stop that, Jade!" Lane yelled

"Come here!"

"What was that about?" Beck asked holding onto Cynthia, who was holding onto Cat

"Why are you so mad at Cat?" Andre asked as the all looked over at Jade

Jade slowly turned around only to reveal her eyebrows gone

"Dont say a word." Jade spoke pointing at them

"i love her, but i wanna laugh" Cynthia whispered to the three

The 6 friends, minus Tori, were sitting around the table eating lunch. Jade was currently glaring at Cat who slowly put down her strawberry

"Um, i think you look nice with no eyebrows" Robbie stuttered as Jade turned and glared at him

"Jade, i just wanna say, i really appreciate you having lunch with us. And thank you, Cyn, Andre and Beck, for handcuffing Jade to the table."

"Dont worry"

"No probelm"

"it was fun" they all said at the same time, as Jade groaned trying to grab Cat but the handcuffs stopped her

"I still dont get how this happened" Robbie spoke as Cat sighed

"Well, Jade asked me to make her eyebrows look nice, so i tried to wax them. But when i took the wax stirps off, there was, um, a problem" Cat explained

"My eyebrows are gone!"

"No they're not! I told you, they're right here" Cat said grabbing the two wax strips from her bag with Jade's eyebrow's on them

"You guys. Hey, everyone" Tori smiled coming over to the group as they all looked at her

"Special treat. I just found a new friend on a toilet. She's fun, and she likes sandwiches. Say hey to Ponnie" Tori smiled as they all looked over only to see no one


"Who are you talking about?"

"Ponnie. She was-she was right behind me.

"Oh God, the no sleep is getting to her"

"Who's Bonnie?" Andre asked confused

"Ponnie with a P. "Pah-nee"

"What color was her hair, "plonde?'" Jade asked glancing at her

" Or "prunette" Andre added as they all laughed

"That was a good one"

"Do we think she's crazy, or?" Cynthia asked as the others thought for a second




"Oh no doubt"

"But we some what love her anyways" Cynthia said as they all shurgged




"Not at all" Jade shook her head

"Shh, no brows" Cynthia spoke as Jade rolled her eyes at her best friend

"Love you!" She called blowing a kiss as Jade smiled, before going back and glaring at Cat

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now