44. Locked up! Part 1

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Cynthia pov

"Mm your so pretty" Beck said kissing my neck while my hands were playing with his hair.

"So pretty" he mumbled kissing me.

He placed his hands on my waist as i was on his lap, "Good girl" he whispered as he started guiding me back and forth.

"Mmm so good"

"Cynthia" Cat yelled knocking on my door.

"Cynthia" she yelled once i didnt answer.

I sighed laying my head on Becks shoulder, "Ill be rigth back" I said kissing him and then getting up.

"Come on Cyn, we're late to school" she said looking at me "Shit" i said running back upstairs and getting dressed while throwing Beck's things at him.

"Come on, come on" I said grabbing his hands and dragging him to my car where Cat was waiting.

"I thought it was tor fingers" Tori laughed as me, her and Andre were getting lunch.

"Whatcha want for lunch" he asked looking between us.

"UH, not sure" Tori said.

"hm, not hungry. Maybe a drink" I said shrugging.

"Hey, Festus!" she called.

"Welcome to lunch " he said sticking his head out of the window.

"What you got today" I asked smiling.

"Lets see. I have the spaghetti, the ravioli"

"Oh, i love ravioli"

"you let me finish!" he yelled.

"Okay. sorry, go ahead. Finish"

"That's all we got the spaghetti and the ravioli"

"Ill have the Ravioli"

"yeah, me too" Andre said pulling money out of his pocket.

"i will get your foods" he said smiling.

"Hi. What's for lunch" Cat asked coming over.

"Oh, hes got the spaghetti, the ravioli" She said in Festus accent

She gasped "Ravioli?"

"You let her finish" Me and Andre yelled in an italian accent.

"Oh, hey, i just wanted to remind you guys that Cynthia and i are going to Cancun with Beck's family for semester break and you guys have nothing fun to do" Jade sadi coming over and then walking away when she was done.

"So you have nothing to do for semester break" Festus asked.

"No" Tori said

"Come to the back of my truck"


"He wants you to go behind his truck"

"I know" she said going behind the truck.

Cat giggled "Ravioli" Andre said smiling.

"Like Pasta pillows"

"So, where's Chase" Andre asked looking at me.

"Oh, well his sister got sick, so he went back to Chicago. He texted the other day that she isn't getting better so he isn't sure when he'll be back" I said as we all walked over to the table.

"What you think Festus is talking about to Tori" Andre asked as i shrugged.

"Hm, i dont know" I said sitting at the table.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now