57. Cynthia beats Tori's Ayas.

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Cynthia pov
A lot of language & some violence

Sikowitz and i walked into the classroom.

He sighed as i walked over sitting by Beck.

"hi" Cat said.

Sikowitz sighed once more sitting on the stage.

"hey!" Tori yelled smiling as i looked at her.

"hi" he said.

"So Sikowitz, what you gonna teach us today, hmm" Andre asked.

"I mean, i dont know what to expect, but i bet its gonna be fantastic" Andre said smiling.

"Whoo!" Tori said.

"huh?" he asked.

"We're ready to learn" Cat said.

"yeah, okay. Tori and um Cyn get up on the uh stage thing" he said as i smirked

"Okay" she said.

"All right. what you, uh, want us to do"

3rd person pov

"uh... a scene. you both have the same line. "Life is pain". So you just keep saying that to eachother over and over. do it. action" he said.

"Life is pain" she began.

"Life is pain" Cyn said.

"it certainly is, Ding, there's the bell. class dismissed." he said climbing out of the window.

"You broke my dad" Cynthia yelled looking at her.

"i- i feel really bad" she said looking at her.

"You should! he was fine with his coffee maker, and of freaking course little Vega has to go do something. Its always you doing some bullshit never anyone else no one else was like oh lets take Sikowitz to a play a play that makes his life seem horrible" she yelled annoyed

"I know, and im so sorry" Tori apologized.

"Sorry isn't gonna do shit. He didn't even wanna come today he didn't wanna do anything! he used to love teaching every single day and now look at him! he climbed out of a damn window for crying out loud!" she yelled at her as her hand curled into a fist.

"I know, I'm so sorr-" but she was cut off when Cynthia slapped her, as everyone gasped as Tori was holding her face.

Beck and Jade got up running on the stage.

"You dumb bitch" Cynthia yelled punching her as Beck grabbed her by the waist.

"I hate you, Vega. You're horrible. You only do shit for yourself, no one fucking else" Cynthia yelled trying to get out of Becks grip.

"Cynthia-" Beck tried but she cut him off.

"No, shut up. I'm fucking tired of her and doing whatever the hell she wants. She's done so much shit and walks around acting like she's all that, but she deserved that. She deserves everything! She tired to kiss you, she kissed Cat's boyfriend, she broke my nose, she just made my dad hate his job, she got you fired off your job, she started the whole robbie recording us thing, and so much fucking more!" Cynthia yelled as everyone just sat there.

Most agreed.

"Im really sorry" Tori said as Cynthia scoffed.

"You can take that fake ass apology and shove it up your ass!" she yelled getting out of Becks grip leaving.

Tori turned to everyone.

Cat would hate to hate someone, but Cynthia was right, Tori Vega had done a lot of stuff.

"She's right, you're horrible" Cat said.

"And you're a bitch" she said getting up and leaving, before coming back and slapping Tori, leaving everyone shocked

Tori turned to Andre as he looked away, before looking at Robbie whom also looked away.

"You fucked up big time" Jade said as her and Beck left.

Tori sighed looking at everyone.

Andre sighed standing up "you know your my best friend and I'm always there for you, but she's right, Tori" Andre said feeling bad but he knew Cynthia was right against Tori.

Cynthia pov

I was walking in the hallways when Cat came over to me, i sighed.

"I know punching and slapping and cussing her out was bad bu-" I said but she cut me off.

"No, im proud of you. you were right, Cyn. She is horrible and you know i hate yo hate people"

"at least i got my Regina George moment" i said as she laughed nodding,

I laughed hugging her "You know he was actually sad cause he got dumped" i said as she nodded.

"But everything else you said was right" she said  as we began walking outside.

"I know, and im glad i said it" I smiled laughing.

"Wanna go home and watch Drake and Josh" she asked looking at me as i nodded.

"Yeah, please" I said as we walked outside to my car.

We were watching Drake and Josh when Jade texted us about something Tori wanted to do for Sikowitz, i didn't wanna go but Cat dragged me there.

Me, Cat, Beck and Jade all agreed to still hate Tori.

Tori did the auditions to try and find Sikowitz a girlfriend but he wasn't sad about that he was sad about Bunny.

But Tori thought it was an actual bunny so she got him one.

But he missed Bunny, bunny was a cat.

End of the day.

Tori's dumb.

The end.

A/n this ones short but my baby Cynthia slayed.
also Cyn's def gonna fight here for real this time. alsoooo i'm gonna change some things i def want beck to stop talking to Tori and focus on Cynthia!
This baby fight is for you 🙏

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