87. How Did She Get In?

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3rd person pov

Everyone but Tori and Robbie, cause they were currently stuck in Novu cause they forgot their wallets, were sitting at lunch

"You guys know there's this germ called fecercillium that you can get from a spider crawling into your mouth while you're sleeping. Your uvula swells up really big so you cant breath, and they have to cut a hole right here to drain the pus from your throat" Jade said as Andre slowly took the spoon full of pudding out of his mouth

"Ill just eat this pudding cup later" he said putting it down

"So does anyone want some candy?" Cat asked as everyone looked at her

"Sure" they said as she reached into her bra "Gumdrop for you" she said giving one to Jade

"Gumdrop for you" she said passing one to Andre

"Gumdrop for you and you" She said giving one to Beck and Cynthia

"Skiddily dat. Skiddily do. Skiddily dat. Skiddily do. Skiddily dat. Da pa da pa loo la lee la mip mop boop" Trina sang coming out to the lunch room before walking away as everyone just blinked at her

"Wow, she is just awful" Beck said as Cynthia nodded

"Worst thing ive ever head" She added

"Hey, i have a question" Cat said as they looked at her


"Every kid has to audition to get into Hollywood Arts, right?" She asked as everyone nodded



"And Trina has no talent, right?" Cat asked as they all nodded once more

"None whatsoever"



"Then how did she pass her audition and get to go to school here?" She asked

"You haven't head the story?"

"No, but i love stories" Cat said looking at Jade

"Ill tell it" Andre said slurping his drink and setting it down as he began his story

"ok, it was about four years ago. Back then, Trina did have talent. Oh, yes. She could sing like an angel. There she was on that stage singling like an angel"


Trina was in the black box, singling well with her hands clasped

Lane, Sikowitz, Principal Eichner, two other teachers, and even Sinjin were there

They all stood up clapping for her




"Fantastic. Bravissimo"

"Truly amazing, Miss-?" Lane began looking at Trina

"Vega, Trina Vega"

"Well, Trina Vega, as principal of Hollywood Arts, i can tell you right now you're in." he said as everyone clapped

"Oh my gosh. Thank you. God bless you all" She smiled, as they took a break, Trina spun around grabbing her bag and singing a little

"Hey, you got some hot pipes" Sinjin said looking at her

"Aw, thank you. What's your name?"

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now