21. Don't Be Mad

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Cat pov

" No, no, no, you're not getting it, this is like the best chinese food ever, i mean they had these egg rolls that were so good-" Tori said as we walked down the stairs, i gasped cutting her off.

"One time, when i was little i had an egg roll, with the most amazing sauce, it was sweet but also kind of sour" I said trying to think of the sauce.

"sweet and sour"


We turned seeing Beck "hey Beck

"yeah what's up"

"After school we're- oh my god" she laughed almost dropping her notebook.

"After School we're going to this insane chinese restaurant, wanna go" Tori asked.

"Uh yeah if i can find Jade, or Cynthia" Beck said looking around for either of them.

"where are they"

"i don't know, they have both been blowing off their classes"

"Are they still mad"

"Oh yeah"

"Why is jade mad, better yet why is Cyn mad" I asked confused.

"Cause you know the plays he wrote, Well Wishes, well she wanted to put it on here at the school and they wont let her"

"Why not"

"The teachers think it's too weird and disturbing" Tori said making me turn to her.

"What's wrong with weird and disturbing" Sinjin asked coming up behind Tori.

"UH your pants are unzipped"

"i know" he said walking away.

"And why is cyn mad" I asked making Beck sigh.

"I forgot our one year, and she hasn't talked to me since she had to sing at the dinner" Beck said as i smiled sadly at him.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, she's never done this before, i know one year might not be a big deal to some people but it means the world to her" I said then texting Cyn.

Cynthia pov

After Robbie found Me and Jade in the janitor's closet, i decided to leave still not wanting to talk to Beck.

I know its petty blah blah, but it meant alot to me.

I walked out of Sikowitz class sneaking around.

"Cynthia" I heard Beck yelled making me scream and run away.

"Cyn please" Beck yelled after me, honestly i wasn't even mad anymore maybe for a while but i got over it.

Looking behind me i didn't see him, so i stopped running and was peaking around the hall when someone grabbed me making me scream.

"Cyn it's me" I heard Beck say making me calm down.

We arrived at the janitor's closet and he set me down "So why are you running from me" he asked standing in front of the door.

"what me running, i only run for food" I said raising my eyebrow.

He chuckled "Don't be mad at me" he said pulling closer to him by my waist.

I rolled my eyes playfully "I'm not mad, I'm just messing with you" I said shrugging, putting my arms around his neck.

He kissed my nose smiling "Good, I'm not sure how much longer i could go without talking to you" he said making me kiss him.

I grabbed his hand after walking out of the janitor's closet, "So.. is Jade still upset about her play" I asked swinging our arms.

He nodded as we walked to his locker "I guess Toris going to find a way for her play" he said as we walked to my locker.

I looked up at him confused "I thought Jade hated Tori" I said raising my eyebrows, he shrugged as we walked to our cars.

We arrived at my car, i turned to him giving him a kiss, when i went to pull away he put his hands on my waist.

Breaking the kiss I placed my hands on his shoulders as he started kissing my neck.

He kissed me once more heading to his car, I leaned my head back closing my eyes.

Me, Tori, Beck and Jade walked into the theater that Tori got so Jade can put her play on.

"Wow" Jade said looking around, as Beck closed the door after me.

"This is a nice little theater" Beck said putting his arm around my waist.

"Right" Tori said as her and Jade walked onto the stage.

"And this restaurant lady who you barely know, is going to pay for this place so Jade can do her play" I asked sitting on one of the chairs bored.

Tori nodded, then turned to Jade "She's paying for everything, the whole play, the full 3,000"

"She really hooked you up" Beck said sitting next to me, as Jade nodded looking around once more.

"Huh, love me? love me no? yeah you do. Come on give Tori a squeeze" Tori said going in for a hug making me laugh.

"Here I'll playfully punch your arm as if we were friend's" Jade said punching Toris arm, as i stole Becks water giving him a kiss.

"Well i've got a lot of work to do here, i gotta ask Sinjin if hell help em with set dressing. Maybe Robbie could do the lighting if i ask-" Jade said but was cut off by someone walking into the theater room.

"hello" she said walking in "hey" Tori said looking at her.

"Look, its Tori Vega with the beautiful cheekbones" she said smiling then looking over at us.

"Jade, this is Mr.s Lee from wok star" Tori said as i laid my head down on Becks shoulder

"Oh, its really cool to meet you" Jade said smiling making me secretly take a picture for more blackmail.

"Im Jade, this is my best friend Cynthia and her boyfriend Beck" Jade said shaking Mr.s Lee's hand.

"I am the best friend"

"I am the best friends boyfriend" Me and Beck said smiling.

"And listen i can even, like, tell you how amazing it is that you're paying for all of this" Jade said as i smiled when Beck kissed my forehead.

"Ah, don't even mention it, I'm just happy you get to do your play"

"Well thanks I can't wait for you to read it"

"I already did, I read it in the bathroom" Mr.s Lee said making me snort.

"Oh did you like it" Jade asked as I leaned forward waiting for the tea.

"Loved it"



"oh my god"

"yeah i only have a few notes" she said as Beck got up grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him.

"what do you mean notes" Jade asked seeming like she was trying not to get mad.

"you know, ideas to make the play better, spice it up a little bit" she said making me spit out the water i was drinking as Beck started patting my back.

Tori laughed nervously, then looked at Jade "oh god".

"uh, you want to change my play" Jade asked as I was cleaning up the water i spilt.

"Me and Cyn have to go uh "

"Make out" I said grabbing Becks hand and running out laughing.

"so we gonna go make out" Beck said as we made it out of the theater.

I shrugged going to kiss him.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now