4. Bird scene

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Cynthia pov

Me and Jade were walking in the hallways talking about stuff when we saw Tori "need some help" Jade asked.

"Yes please"

"Interesting" Jade said continuing to walk when Tori looked at me making me shrug and walk to my locker.

I walked into class late, when Sikowitz hit cat with a ball.

"Sikowitz" Jade yelled after he threw a ball at Cat.

"what" he asked innocently.

"you hit me with a ball" Cat yelled when she got up.

"Oh, come on any good actor can stay in character no matter what's happening" I said making Sikowitz look at me smiling.

"But it really hurts" she said then the lunch bell ring "Oh, lunch yay" she said grabbing her bag and running off to lunch.

"Learn your lines, i want everyone off book tomorrow"

We were all leaving when Sikowiz threw a ball at tori making her move and it hit me "what the fuck" I said holding my nose.

Beck came over moving my hands from my nose "is it bleeding" i asked with my eyes close

"No, but im sure it's gonna hurt for a while" he said as I nodded.

"Tori, Cyn i need to talk to you"

"and a hey Cyn, Tori. lets talk wouldn't work, so you threw a ball at tori, it missed her and hit me", he nodded "ill try it next time".

"Have fun"

"Protect your face" Andre and Beck said leaving.

"I heard you guys signed to audition for moonlight magic"

"Andre wrote the music for us, and wants one of us to sing it"

"You should but you cant"

"And why not" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Not until you pass 'the bird scene'" he said grabbing a book, walking over to us.

"The bird scene" Tori asked confused.

"Here at Hollywood arts, every student must successfully complete 'the bird scene' before he or she can audition for any play or school production's"

He said handing us a book, i turned around hearing cat talking "hey, sikowitz, i forgot to ask you a question about the homework-" she was cut off when sikowitz threw the ball as her making me gasp.

"We'll never know her question" Sikowitz said making me nod backing away.

the slap.com

Cynthia Val Sikowitz
Think sikowitz really bruised my nose
mood: Hurt

I was sitting next to beck with Robbie and rex across from us when Andre came and sat down "anyone know where i can buy a pair of ballet slippers" i giggled.

"No i don't but i know where you can yourself a pretty skirt and some lop glass, Cyns closet"

I put my hand over my heart "awe you think my skirts are pretty" he smiled at me putting his arm around my shoulder.

"heh, heh, hehe. Good one Beck" Rex said putting his hand up for a high five, when Beck didn't give him one back he slowly put his hand back down.

"Anyways, what do you need ballet shoes for" I asked looking at Andre.

"Cause i signed up for ballet"

"woah woah isnt that kind of girly"

"isn't walking around wit your hand in a puppets ass kind of weird" I said getting up and walking away.

Beck pov

"isn't walking around with you hand in a puppets ass kind of weird" Cyn said getting up and walking away, i smiled shaking my head.

"Hes not a puppet" Robbie yelled when Cyn was already gone.

"Anyways, yes just one big room full of girls and me, you guys picking up what im putting down"

"i dont understand" Robbie said making everyone look at him.

"a lot of girls, who dance, all in one room, with him" I said pointing at Andre.

"would you mind if i maybe signed up, too" Robbie asked while i was eating my fries.

"naw go for it, how about you man" Andre said looking at Robbie then me.

"cant,  Cyn and I are going to do salsa with Jade"

"You can cyn are getting a little friendly" Andre said shimmying his shoulders at me.

I shrugged "we're friend's, and she's new".

"soon to be more than friends" Rex said laughing.

Cynthia pov

Today we were doing the bird scene, i walked into class with Tori, sitting in the back.

"Its time for our newest students to tackle, the bird scene"

Tori went into the hallway, while i went on stage doing mine first.

"It was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone, living on the prairie was a dearie existence. No telephone, no radio. only a large, majestic bird, with whom i shared my feelings' with. one day when i was feeling low i said to him 'oh bird you can fly you can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay why'. And apparently my question rang true, for that afternoon the bird left and so went my spirit" I said going to sit back down.

"Aren't you gonna ask how you were" Sikowitz asked, i looked back at him, "nah cause i did good, and if you can do better id like to see".

After a second everyone started clapping, Sikowitz went in the hallways to grab Tori.

"um, can i ask a question before i start" Tori asked making Jade groan.

"no you may not action.

"It was 1934 when my husband left me. Alone, living on the prairie was a dearie existence. No telephone, no radio. only a large, majestic bird, with whom i shared my feelings' with. one day when i was feeling low i said to him 'oh bird you can fly you can soar miles from this lonely place, yet you stay why'. And apparently my question rang true, for that afternoon the bird left and so went my spirit" Tori said looking down, then back up at us seeing how it was so quite.

"how was that" She asked looking around.

"What do you mean"

"Did i do the scene right"

"Oh. no, not at all"

"Okay, then what did i do wrong"

"You'll have to perform the scene again tomorrow, and get it right, or else you cannot be in Andre's play or any others" he said making tori groan, earing a giggle from me, and Beck flick me while smiling.

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