47. Locked up! Pt. 4

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Beck pov

"Stop the music" Sgrodis yelled as Sikowitz stopped it.

"You shoe his the chancellor" Cat said looking at Tori.

"in his last good eye" Robbie yelled at her.

"Im so sorry. My shoe just flew off and -" but she was cut off by the whistles being blown and everyone shouting.

The soldiers ran up grabbing Tori as she yelled.

"Wait where are you taking her" Sikowitz asked yelling.

"To prison"

"Prision?" Trina yelled.

"I got away! I got away!" she yelled running back to us, as we all grabbed her arm trying to drag her away from the soldiers who were holding onto her arms also trying to drag her away.

"They got me again! They got me again!" she yelled as they started dragging her away.

"They got me again!" she yelled once more when one of them picked her up throwing them over their shoulder.

3rd person pov

"All i want is to take a shower! Just one shower!" Tori yelled coming into the room being dragged by two officers.

"Tori Vega, you stand accused of assaulting our esteemed Chancellor of Yerba. This trial will determine if you are innocent or-"

"Guilty!" the chancellor yelled, pointing the wrong way.

One of the soldiers came over to help him point somewhere else "Uh, which way? this way?"

"To the rigth"

"Right there?"

"This way"


"Guilty!" He yelled pointing at Tori.

"wait" she said.

"Now, wait a minute. This girl is entitled to legal counsel"

"very well" The chancellor said.

"This is my lawyer" Tori asked when the soldier yelled at a man and he came over standing by Tori all scared.


"The chancellor of Yerba has deemed that female guilty of assault upon his eyeball. Do you think the chancellor is wrong?"

"N-no" he said obviously scared.

"No, no, no. She is guilty"

"Guilty" he said and then dropped to the floor crawling away.

"Can i have a different lawyer" she said pointing to her's still crawling away.

"Admit you did this to me on porpoise" the Chancellor asked standing up.

"No, it was just a shoe malfunction"

"Admit you did this on porpoise. And your punishment will not be as bad"

"But i didn't do it on porpoise" she whined.

"Your shoe entered my eye!"

"I know but-"

"you are Guilty!" he yelled.

"Guilty as charged"

"four years in Yerbanian prison"

"four years??"

"Come on!"

"This isn't fair!" Sikowitz and Trina said moving closer.

"My lawyer crawled away"

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now