76. Dog Sitting

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Cynthia pov

Jade and I were on our way to dog sit with Cat.

"So, how are you and Beck" Jade asked as i glanced at her, turning the car

"What do you mean?" I asked confused

"Like.... have you guys talked?" she asked as i chewed on my lip

"No, and i don't think i wanna" I said shortly as i looked at her, stopping at a red light

She sighed looking at me "Cyn-"

"Jade. i don't wanna hear it, i don't wanna talk to him. He made the decision and now he gets to sit and think. He needs to finally realize Tori is the problem, and some reason why he just keeps going back and being friends with her. Every-time something happens between us she's in the middle of it, every-time we fight it's always about her. I was exhausted everyday wondering if he was gonna go and do something with Tori, or if she was gonna try and make a move on him, and i just can't with it anymore, this is a break that i deserve. I haven't second thought anything, i haven't worried about either of them, i haven't had to look over my shoulder every time i hear them talk, i deserved this break" I explained to her, as she smiled apologetically at me

"I know, Cyn, i know" She said softly

"Cat!" i called out, me and Jade had arrived at the address she sent us where she was dog sitting

"in here!" she yelled back as we walked up the stairs and into the room she was in

She was sitting on a couch with a dog in her lap when we walked into the room

"Hey" Jade said as i walked in behind her, as she began to look around the room

"Hi" Cat smiled at us

"Say hello, Coober" Cat said picking up the dog "Hello" Cat said in a deep voice as i looked at her

"Sick place. Your mom's boss must be, like, a bazillionare" Jade said looking around, as i sat in the chair

"He owns a really fancy car and part of Texas" I explained placing my phone down

"A part of Texas?" Jade asked confused looking at me as i nodded

"Yeah. But just, like, the top part" I said, as Jade turned and looked at the signed guitar hanging on the wall

"Woah. You know this guitar is a '62 Strattenbacher, like Elvis used to play." Jade said pointing at it, as i looked at it

"That is Elvis's" Cat smiled looking at her, hugging the dog still

"Shut up" I said getting up and going over to it

"Look what's written on it"

"Thank you, thank you very much. Elvis Presley." Jade and I read at the same time

"Holy chiz" Jade said grabbing it with one hand, as she had a coffee in the other

Cat gasped from the couch "Dont touch it! come sit" she said patting the side of her

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now