45. Locked up ! Pt. 2

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Cynthia pov

After the airport, and being on the airplane we finally arrived in Yerba.

"So i was dialing one of those things where-" but Trina stopped when we walked into the "hotel"

"What the shit is this" I said looking around.

"This dump is our hotel" Andre asked dropping his suitcase on the floor.


"gross" Trina said as Beck placed mine and his bags down, since he wouldn't let me hold my own. As he should.

"Now im kind of glad i dont remember this place" Sikowitz said closing the door behind him.

"Hello" A short man said coming over to the front desk.

"Hello to you, buddies. Which is Tori Vega" he asked coming closer.

"Oh, thats me. Are you festus's brother"

"Yes, buddy. I am Sgrdois. Is happy to meet you" he said grabbing her hand and placing it on his face, as he inhaled.

"I told you we should of stayed home" I whispered looking at Beck, as he nodded looking around.

"Why" she asked pulling her hand away.

"Its a yeranian custom, see. It says "In Yerba when people greet each other, they will often sniff each others hand as a sign of friendship" she finished as Robbie smelled Rex's hand.

When Tori turned around Sgrdois's hand was in her face.

"oh that-thats okay" she said pushing his hand down.

"Uh, so how you all like the hotel" he asked.

"Well, um"



"you see"

"Its disgusting" Jade said coming over to me.

"She said what" he said looking at Tori.

"Um, this hotel- it didn't really look like the picture we saw online"

"ohhh, the picture, yes. There she is" he said pointing to the picture we saw online, a literal picture, hanging up, framed, not real, fake.

"So where's that Hotel" Andre asked pointing at it.

"I dont know. Maybe Cancun" he said as i whined dramatically falling on the floor.

"I wanna go home" I whined.

"I will go get someone to help with you bags, and the little lady on the floor" he said walking away, as Beck grabbed my arms pulling me up.

"I dont like this place at all" Robbie said.

"Festus said this hotel was nice?"

"Okay, this isnt my fault"

"yeah it is" me and Jade said at the same time.

"how was i supposed to know?"

"Hey, Buddies. This is Kerploch. He will take your luggage" he said coming back over with another guy, whom was eating a burger.

"hello. We are so happy to be in your country" she was cut off by men coming intoBeck the hotel all blowing whistles.

Beck grabbed my by the waist putting my behind him, as i grabbed Cats arm brining her over to me.

"Please, someone help me" Kerploch yelled as they tried grabbing him.

"Let go, let go, let go" Cat and Sgrodis yelled at Kerploch, as he was holding onto robbie.

"Help" he yelled as they finally got him out.

Sikowitz was hiding behind the couch, as Tori was on it, Robbie, Andre and Trina were on the floor, Cat, Beck Jade and I were by the front desk as Sgrodis had his hands on his knees panting.

"Is there another ballman that could help us" Tori asked looking at him.

"And here you go" he said giving a key? to Tori.

"Thanks" she said coming over to me and Jade.

"Well, here are the keys to your rooms"

"Those are screwdrivers" Jade said.

"I know. He said to stick it in the keyhole and jiggle it" she said earning in me laughing lightly.

"What's he say about the indoor swimming pool" Sikowitz asked coming over with goggles on his face.

"Well, um, apparently the country is sort of at war, so the swimming pool here is currently filled with ammunition"

"And where's the white sand beach"

"Yeah, where's the beach" he asked pulling his goggles up to reveal smaller ones that only covered his eyes.

"Its been taken over by rebels" she said as Sikowitz saighed lifting his second pair of glasses.

"Ok, so before you booked out trip here, you forgot to find out that this is the worst country on earth" I yelled at her.


"Cyn, dont be such a crabby Cathy"

"I have every right to be"

"That's okay, i get it, let go i have a girlfriend" I looked over hearing Beck, seeing a girl playing with his hair, and one playing with his hand.

"Uh, i have a girlfriend" he said awkwardly laughing trying to push them off.

"Uh, Crabby Cathy's about to be a little crabbier" Jade said looking at me.

"Gte your hands off my boyfriends head" I yelled.

They started hissing at me, Jade came over hissing at them, as they yelled rushing off.

"Why would you let her touch your hair" I asked hitting Beck.

"Firstly ow, secondly i tried to tell them off" he said grabbing my arm and placing my on his lap.

"That happens again, i will cut you hair off"

"Ok, Robbie and i just looked at our rooms, and there's no way I'm staying here" Trina said as her and Robbie came over.

"Me neither"

"what's so bad about your rooms" Tori asked.

"Well, we can started with the foreign man i found in my closet"

"And there was a grenade in my toilet"

"There's nicer hotels in northridge"

"Ahh! Ahh!, Agh!" Andre yelled holding his neck.

"Whats wrong"

"Something bit my neck" he yelled

"yeah, yeah, looked like a moth" Beck said as he tapped my thigh and we both got up.

"Are you ok"

"A moth??"

"what happened" Sgrodis asked coming over.

"A moth bit out friends neck" Cat said.

"Was it about this big and black like the night?" he asked as Beck nodded.

"Yeah" he said placing his arm around my waist.

"Ah, that was a vampire moth"

"A what"

"is he going to be ok"

"Of course, being bitten by a vampire moth is very good luck"

"Ohh" andre said removing hr. hand off his neck, and sighing in relief.

"Wait. But it says here that a bite from a vampire moth could kill you"

"yes, but if you live, you are very lucky" he said as Andre slowly placed his hand back on his neck.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now