53. Who Did It To Trina

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Cynthia pov

I walked into the theater room, Andre, Robbie and Trina were doing an act i think Tori wrote, but i wasn't paying attention.

"Im sorry, Mandy. I thought he was my friend. but anyone who'd call my adopted sister a weirdo-"

"yep, yep. Shut up a second" she said calling someone on her phone.

"Hi, um, can i get a 5:00 appointment for a foot bleaching"

"Foot bleaching" Robbie asked confused.

"Tori, is that in the rewrites?" he asked looking at her.

"No, it is not. Trina, we're in the middle of a scene!"

"Yeah, well, that doesn't help whiten my feet, does it?"

"There is something wrong with her" I said sitting next to Tori as she nodded.

"No, no, it has to be at 5:00 and dont give me that big sweaty girl, i want Foon-yee"

"All right, guys. Lets take five minutes"



"Look, can you just put Foon-Yee on the phone?"

"Hey" Tori said going over to her.

"Busy" she said looking at her.

"Bye, Foon-yee" Tori said grabbing Trina's phone and hanging up.

"you just hung up on the best foot bleacher in all of beverly-"

"Can you help me. Could you please do that for me, please. As my sister, can you help me here?"

"Its just a stupid little play"

"Oh, come on, like you weren't amped the first time you got to direct a play"

"You look bloated" Trina said grabbing Tori's face "Have you been eating a lot of salt" she asked when Tori grabbed her hands pushing them off of her face.

"Listen, id really like to get an "A" in this class, so i would appreciate it if you would help me out here and listen-" but she was cut off when Trina's phone went off.

"Oh! Good! Its Foon-Yee. Hey, Foony girl. I got some dingy feet for you"

"Your sister is disgustingly weird" I said going on stage when Andre and Robbie came over.

"I know. Sorry, you guys" she said looking at Andre and Robbie.

"Oh, its cool!"

"No big"

"But, uh, i gotta ask. I mean, dont take this the wrong way, but, um-"

"Oh, my god, i do look bloated"



"Nah" "a little" Andre and I said at the same time.

"Why'd you cat Trina as the lead girl?"

"I didn't want to. you know my cuddle me Cathy doll. That i love and that I've had since i was five years old"

"No" I said leaning on Andre

"Nah, i have no idea what you're talking about"

"You've never mentioned it" Robbie said.

"Oh. Well, Trina kidnapped her. And she wouldn't give her back unless-"

"Unless you give Trina the lead" Robbie said cutting her off.

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