28. Freak the freak out

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Cynthia pov

Me and Beck were in my room making out, I moaned lightly when he squeezed my hips.

"Hm you're so hot" he said going down to kiss my neck.

I groaned when someone knocked on the door "what" I asked opening the door seeing cat.

She smiled "Come on cyn, you said we can go shopping" she said grabbing my arm.

"Fine, fine let me get dressed" I spoke as she came inside

I ran up to my room, hurriedly getting changed ignoring beck "woah, woah cyn where are you going" he asked grabbing my by my waist.

"I promised cat id go shopping with her today" i said brushing my hair with my hands.

He have me a kiss "Ok, have fun, i love you" he said leaving as i stood there frozen.

When i heard his car leave i screamed, earning in car running up stairs "what's wrong" she asked.

"Beck said he loves me, i mean we have said it before but like oh my God" I said flopping onto my bed.

She giggled coming and sitting next to me.

The next day at school I walked into the theater room later, due to me waking up late and only then realizing Beck gave me a hickey.

"well we have about four minutes left, my dear cyn why are you late" he said making me curse under my breath.

"well dear father, i was uh you know up all night planning your birthday"

"my birthday isn't for a while" he said raising an eyebrow.

"Its a early birthday present" I said sitting down.

"well why don't we chat about our weekend plans, Robbie I assume you have none" he said making me look at him wide eyed.

"i-i dont"


"Im gonna partay with a couple of girls from Northridge"

"Northridge girls" I asked confused.

"That should be an adventure" Sikowitz said making me looking at him "Dad stop" I whisper yelled.

"heh heh" Rex said making me purse my lips.

"Hey guess what Jade, Cyn and I are doing tonight"

I glared at everyone when no one spoke "what are we doing cat" I said smiling at her.

"there's this new place in Los Felis, its called Karaoke Dokie, and they have signing competitions on the weekends, so Cyn, Jade and I are going to do a song"

"We're picking the song" Me and Jade said at the same time.

"They are picking the song"

"Can Rex and i come sing, too?" Robbie asked earning in cat agreeing.

"I told you im going to the Northridge girls"

"they can come watch"

"Nah, man, then they are going to want us to buy them food and beverages"


"they're from Northridge i don't wanna spend money on em" Rex said making me laugh.

"aw, i wish i coudl go to Karaoke Dokie"

"Why cant you" Beck said making me look at him.

"why do you care" I asked earning in him looking at me.

"I was just-"

"Well, i don't care, do you need her to have fun or something"

"Cyn" Sikowitz said making me look at him.

"what" I asked looking at him.

He did the zipper mouth motion making me looking at him with my mouth open "dont be a gank" he whispered, he came over closing my mouth then clapping his hands together.

"Tori go ahead"

"Trina's getting her dumb wisdom teeth out today, and guess who gets to spend the entire weekend taking care of her"

"why cant your parents take care of her"

"cause they are gonna be in Santa Barba"


"so they dont have to take care of trina"

"dont blame them"

"sucks to be you"

"Gank" she said making me look at her while Beck was smiling

The bell rang earning in sikowitz screaming "whos phone is that"

"Its the bell" I said getting up and walking away.

Jade ran over to me "what's wrong" she asked as i was getting books out of my locker.

"Tori called me a gank, and you know what Beck did... Nothing he smiled" I said slamming my locker.

"Okay, no need to hurt the locker that's my thing" she said making me roll my eyes smiling.

"And for beck I'm sorry" She said putting her arm around my waist as i put mine around her neck.

"you know Gank means steal, maybe she's jelly of you" Jade said tickling my side.

I laughed slightly "Why would she be jealous" I asked confused.

She rolled her eyes "Cause you are THE Cynthia Valentine" she said standing in font of me.

"Hot as ever, always stand up for cat, always say what's on your mind, and you don't take shit form people, why wouldn't she be jelly" she said as we continued walking.

I smiled biting my lip "Ah this is why i love you" I said jumping onto her back.

She laughed grabbing onto my legs "To class" i said patting her head.

She shook her head smiling before agreeing and walking to class.

I was dressed into a white skirt, Black cropped sweater, with tights and knee high black boots.

We were at Karaoke Dokie, currently Robbie and Rex were singing.

Beck and Andre were with is, I'm still kind of iffy about what happened with Tori but i shouldn't care.

Everyone was shouting and clapping when Robbie and Rex were done singing.

"I'm gonna get a soda" Jade said getting up

"Get me one" Andre asked.

"No" she said walking away, I smiled getting up "Ill get you one" I said making him nod smiling at me.

"So you okay with what happened earlier" Jade asked earning in me nodding.

Cat pov

"First time here" a girl asked as her and her friend's came over and one of the sat next to Beck.

"yea" beck said confused, looking around.

"If you get nervous, ill hold your hand" she said touching his hand.

"I get nervous when my brother eats things that aren't food" I said

"Seriously i think he ate mine and Cyns charm bracelet's" I spoke saying Cyn's name louder so he would move his hand away from her.

He did.

"what's your name" The blonde asked Andre.


"that's hot"

"you have insane hair" she said touching his hair, I looked at him in disbelief wondering why he wasn't doing anything to stop her.

"Yeah, uh, my hair was normal, and then one day it just went insane" he said grabbing her hand away from him.

"Sad story"

"I like your story" she said touching his hand again.

He moved her hand away from him.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now