Trying something out

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SO a lot of ppl have asked for smut in a few of my books, and even texted me asking


but i feel as if i would be bad at writing it so i'm gonna do a little snippet just to see if it's good or not, or see if i like it or not


if it's bad lmk, if it's good lmk, and likeeee lmk things i should work on

Beck and Cynthia had been in the car driving back to her house, one hand on the wheel and the other on her thigh

He was playing with the hem of her skirt as she was watching his hands

"You okay?" he asked as she smiled at him

"Yeah, just wanna get back to yours" she said as he squeezed her thigh looking at the road

The second they had stepped into the house he had his hands around her waist and his lips on her neck

she closed and locked the door behind them, breathing heavily as they walked over to the couch

He sat down as she sat on his lap, placing her arms around his neck as they began to make out

He gripped her waist a little tighter, no doubt they're would be bruise there

He let out a throaty moan as he began to move her hips back and forth, as she moaned a little feeling her cunt rub agasint his clothed erection

"Fuck, Cyn" he moaned before flipping them over as she was now laying on her back, and he was on his knees in front of her

"Let's take this off" he whispered, as she lifted her hips allowing him to take off her skirt and underwear

"So pretty" he whispered blowing on it a little, as she flinched from the coldness, trying to close her legs as he grabbed them holding them down

"Don't move" he said looking at her as she nodded

"Words, baby, i need words" he smiled at her as she swallowed

"i won't move" she whispered

"Good girl" he whispered before he disappeared in between her legs

She moaned gripping at his hair as she felt him began to eat her out

"F-fuck wait" she let out breathing heavily as he didn't stop

He smirked to himself, looking up at her to watch her face as he inserted a finger

She closed her eyes, as he stopped "Cynthia, open your eyes and look at me" he said as she opened her eyes looking at her

"Good girl, here let's take this off" he said before helping her take her shirt and bra off

He took off his shirt and pants, as he kneeled back down

"Fuck, i need you to fuck me, Beck, i can't wait" she whined as looked at her

"I will soon, but you need patience" he said before inserting two fingers in her as she gasped loudly

"how does it feel" he asked as she moaned

"So-so good" she moaned loudly, as he reached up with his other hand placing it around her throat

"Fuck, i can feel you about to cum" he taunted, she whined as he stopped

He leaned up and kissed her as she placed her arms around his neck kissing him back, moaning as she felt his clothed dick rub against her

He was sitting on the couch now, she was about to go down and give him head as he stopped her

"Cynthia" he warned looking at her

"Yes?" she asked looking up innocently

"What have i told you?"

She sighed chewing on her lip "to listen to you?" she asked hesitantly as he patted his lap

"Come here" he said as she stood up sitting on his lap, as he let out a throaty moan as she sat on him

"Fuck" he whispered as she leaned in kissing him

Her hand went down letting his dick out from his underwear, she used the pre cum from his tip as lube, but knowing she was already soaking it was going to go in easy

"Ready" she asked looking at him as he kissed her forehead

"I should ask you that" he said placing her hands on her hips

She nodded, as she moaned feeling it slip inside her easily

"Fuck, you're so tight" he grunted grabbing her hips tightly as she winced a little, as he immediately removed his hands

"i kind of like it" she whispered grabbing his hands and placing them back on his waist

She bounced a little as he moved his hands to her ass helping her

"Fuck it feels so good" she whined a little placing her hands on his chest

"fuck, fuck, right there don't stop" he groaned his head leaning backwards as he grabbed her ass once more as she moaned

She was now flipped over on her hands and knees with her ass in the air, he was teasing her and she knew it

"Fuck just put it in" she whined as she grabbed her hips before slamming into her as she gripped onto the sheets

"So tight" he grunted as he put her back to his front, placing his hand on her throat still fucking her

"F-fuck im about to cum" she whined

"I know, baby, i know" he whispered kissing her neck, she knew by the morning her neck would be covered

"Cum" he whispered kissing her jaw, and she did

She finished as the same time he grunted finishing as they both were breathing heavily

"fuck" he whispered giving her a second, she let out a small moan as he pulled out

"Come on, let's go shower and use the bathroom" he whispered carrying her upstairs

After her using the bathroom and then taking a shower they were now tangled together in her bed

"I love you, cynthia" he whispered kissing her forhead, her nose and then her lips

"I love you too, Beck" she smiled kissing him once more before the fell asleep

this is my first time writing any type of smut besides kissing
Please lmk if it's bad or not let me save myself from the embarrassment 🙏😭

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