70. The Gorilla Club

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Cynthia pov

I was wearing a tennis skirt with a cropped sweater, i smiled walking into Sikowitz class to see him and Cat laughing as Tori was horribly fake crying.

"That was so bad" I said shutting the door behind me and sitting next to Cat.

"What? whats so funny?" she asked confused as we were all laughing

"You" Cat said fixing her hair

"The scene you were doing" I said, earning in Sikowitz laughing more

"Right?" He said hunching over in his seat "Wasn't it ridiculous?" He added

"Oh, sure, go ahead, laugh at my acting" she said sitting down on a box, that was on stage

"Oh, Tori, we're not laughing at your acting-" Sikwoitz began as i cut him off

"I am tho" I added

"We're laughing because of youre acting" he said standing up, and laughing once more

"What scene were you doing?" Cat asked

"It's a role in a movie,about a teenager who's parents send her to a home for troubled girls"


"One time our brother went to a home for troubled girls"

"Oh, yeah. I remember that"

"Why?" Tori asked

"To meet troubled girls" I said as Cat nodded at me

"You know, bus stations are good for that" Sikowitz said sitting back down

"Hey!" Tori practically whined standing up

"My audition is next Tuesday" She shouted

"So?" Sikowitz asked looking at her

"So, tell me what was so bad about my acting scene" she said as i smiled looking at her

Sikowitz sighed standing up "Look, you're still a good actor, but you're still playing the scene too safe" he said as Cat nodded

"Totally agree" She said as Tori sighed

"You're supposed to be a troubled teen girl on the edge, and to play that kind of emotion you can't just be your usual prissy little Tori"

"Prissy?" She asked looking offended

"The bird died. My throw up got in his eyes, and he flew into a roller coaster" Cat said as Sikowitz shook his head before taking a deep breath

"You want to get this role? You need to less priss, and more risk. Make us believe you're dangerous. On the edge" he said before going back and picking up the script

"Ok. I'm dangerous. Risky" she said moving her arms all around weirdly

"Ok! Let's do it" she said picking her script back up

"Go. Action"

"Ana, just tell me why you tried to push your uncle off that cliff"

"You ask me one more question. Ill rip that pencil right out of your hand and stick it right in your neck!" She yelled, it was quite for a second before we al bursted out in laughter

"Ok, that does it!" She yelled, walking off of the stage, grabbing Mr. Purple from Cat and throwing him out of the window

We all gasped looking out of the window

"Oh— Mr. purple!" Cat yelled, as Tori walked over pulling Mr. Sikowitz pants down, she looked at me as i stood up looking at her

She turned and left, looking back at us once more before leaving the classroom

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