59. Andre Has A Crush Or Two Pt. 2

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3rd person pov

"you think you're in love with Jade.. and Cynthia" she asked drinking the Cocoa she made.

"I think so" he said.

"Okay, what happened tonight?" she asked worried for her friend, but also thinking if something bad happened Beck would break up with Cynthia and boom she can date him.

"I dont know. we were all just working together all night at school, Aand i just saw them singing, an-and they just looked so-so sweet and pretty" he said.

"Dude, you can love Jade nonetheless Cynthia. but it would make Beck single" she said but whispered the last part.

"Like i dont know that? Beck is one of my best friend's. I would never try to move in on a friend's girlfriend, or family" he said as they sat down.

"Good. So just forget about this" She said sitting her Cocoa down and sitting back.

"i cant! Ugh" he said.

"Why cant you" she asked turning to him.

"All right. See, ever since i was little, I could never keep my feelings inside. Even if i want to, i just cant. If i feel something i gotta let it out. or else i get wonky in the head" he finished, yelling at the end.

"Okay, okay. Shh. Shh" she said rubbing his arm

"oh! oh!" he said crying?

"Listen, i dont think you're in love with Jade or Cynthia" she said.

"you dont?" he asked.

"No. You three were just there together, alone, late, and you were tired" she said.

"Yeah, we were tired, that's true" he said slowly nodding.

"And you were writing a song, so you felt emotional" she said shrugging.

"uh-huh, i did" he nodded.

"And you forget that Jade is a mean, vicious person with deep psychological problems" she said leaving out Cynthia, on purpose.

"yeah, i forgot those things" he said looking ahead of him.

"But by tomorrow, you'll be fine again" she said patting his arm.

"Yeah. I bet i will" he said as they both grabbed their cocoa drinking some.

"This cocoa is good" he said leaning back.

"Its from Belgium" she said drinking some more

"that's probably why, then" he said looking at her.

"MM-hmm" she nodded as they drank some more.

3rd person pov

"Hey, what's up?" Tori asked seeing Andre come over to him.

"Oh, hey" he nodded.

"So how you doing?" She asked looking at him.

"Feeling wonky about...Jade and Cyn" she whispered.

"Nah, i think i got my wonk under control. I probably just need to-" but he was cut off by Tori shushing him as she was Beck, Cynthia and Jade coming over.

"Be cool, be cool" She said as he nodded turning towards them.

"Ok, be cool, be cool" he said.

"I said be cool" Tori said

"Hey" Cynthia smiled at them

"Sup" Beck said.


Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now