12. Rex Dies

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Cynthia pov

"Well I do need people for backstage crew, so Cat and Jade you're on lighting" Sikowitz said getting up from sitting in front of Cat.

"Lighting?" Jade questioned annoyed

"Yes, good job your pronounced it perfectly" Sikowitz said making me chuckle.

"Tori i want you to work with Sinjin's team" he also said.

"Okay but i know like nothing about special effects" she said.

"Its okay we'll teach you" Sinjin said making Tori and everyone look back at them "Looking forward to it" she said turning back around.

"And Cynthia you can help anyone with anything you need" he said making me sit up

"So im worthless?" I asked raising my eyebrow, "that mouth aint" Beck whispered making me gasp and slap him.

"Shut up we've only made out" I replied rolling my eyes.

I was in the lunch room going up to Cat, Andre, Rex, Robbie and Tori.

"Hi, heard the date was horrible" I said as Trina kept walking back and forth then coming and then she started talking about her jeans.

I started walking away when Andre looked like he was about to use the bathroom, and they all started crying.

"Okay" I said turning around and running off.

" Take those bags to the catwalk Grady" Is the first thing i hear walking into the theater room.

I was walking around when Sinjin and his team came over giving Tori a shirt.

"It has arrived" Beck said walking into the room, he came over hugging me while kissing my forehead.

"Yeah there she is" Andre said coming over along with Tori.

"Cool what's that" Tori asked as Beck stood behind me with his hands around my waist.

"This is a turblow jet" Beck said pointing at it, as i smiled at Tori.

"It's for the tornado, during the play" I said as Beck started rocking left to right making me laugh a little .

"Oh it blows" Tori asked

"it blows" Andre said smiling


"Blows yeah" Andre said singing.

"Show her" Andre told Beck as he let go of my making me pout, he went to the control thing on the turblow jet.

"We'll start on medium" He said starting it, Sinjin was in front of it, so when it turned on he flew forwards falling face first.

"Sorry Sinj" Beck called turning if off.

"It happens" he replied in clear pain, making me suck in a breath "Ouch" i whispered going over to Beck.

"Wow, this things powerful" Tori said looking away from Sinjin.

"Yup, and it doesn't just blow" I said nodding.

"You flick that little red guy, and it sucks" Andre said going to reverse it so it sucks.

He brought Tori to the front, throwing paper into it, she grabbed the shirt Sinjin gave her letting it going into the machine.

"Now that is some serious suckage" She said walking back over to us,

"So it blows and suck's" Tori said making us nod.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now