52. Bye Bye

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3rd person pov

Everyone was standing around Tori's locker, she placed all her things in her bag before closing locker and turning the lights off.

"I made it dim" Tori said turning to face them.

"I mean, i dont get it. They can't just kick Tori out of school"

"Yeah, they can"

"you know, now that i think about it. I didn't get a call nor did Sikowitz" Cynthia admitted chewing on her nails.

"wait what"

"you didn't"

"No" she whispered shrugging.

"Ok, well, im going home now... forever"

"No, you're not leaving this school" Beck said grabbing her arm and bringing her back over.

"She has to!" Jade said.

"i mean, i feel really bad about it, seriously but,  you know, bye"

"I think ill miss you least of all"

"Wait, what do you mean she's not leaving"

"yeah, what do you mean"  Cynthia said looking at him.

"I mean, we're all going to talk to Helen about this right now"



"lets go"

"lets do it"

"what are you guys going to say"

"That if you have to leave hollywood arts, i'm leaving too"

"you would do that for me"

"no she won't"

"no i won't"

"Well, i'm going to get some gum, Come on, Cynthia" Jade said grabbing Cyn's hand.

Cynthia pov

After finding out that it was Trina and not Tori leaving, Tori decided not to tell Trina.

I walked into the principal's office to talk to Helen.

"So, why are you here" she asked.

"Why didn't i get a call" I asked going straight to the point.

She sighed going onto the laptop "Well, you have way too many missed days, and the old Principal might of let that slide but i cannot, so with that being said, it will be your last day" she said and i swear my heart fell to my ass.


"I really am sorry, but you can't be inconsistent with the days and pick and choose when you want to be here"

"No, i understand. Thank you" I smiled grabbing my bags and leaving.

Everyone else was busy going to talk to Helen about Tori, so i decided to get my things and leave.

"What you doing" Cat asked coming over.

"Re-doing my locker" I lied.

"What, i liked it the other way" she pouted.

"I know, but it's time for a change" I shrugged smiling.

"I have to go see Sikowitz about the lesson, but i will be here later to see your locker" Cat smiled running off.

"It's not mine anymore" I whispered closing my locker.

3rd person pov

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now