60. Cupcake Terror

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Cynthia pov

"I dont want to argue with you, i just want us to be happy" Toridilla said as she was on the stage acting with Andre.

"What'd she say?" Andre asked as he couldn't hear as they had buckets on their heads.

"What'd he say" Toritilla asked.

"I-i-i-i cant i- i cant hear" he said as they once began speaking over each other, as Toridactual placed her hand on Andre's chest.

"Okay, okay. Take 'em off" Sikowitz told them as he was walking to the stage, and they took the buckets off.

"See? Not so easy to perform a scene when you have a bucket on your head, is it?" He asked getting on stage and standing in between them.

"No" it said.

"Its difficult" Andre nodded.

"Yes. Well, class dismissed." he said earning in everyone being confused, seeing how the bell hasn't rang.

"But we still have more time" I said looking at him.

"We do? How much?" he asked as i shook my head checking my phone.

"55 minutes" Robbie and I said at the same time.

"Oh. Oh! Well, actually i do have something i need to discuss with some of you. Toro, Cat, Andre, Robbie, Jade, Cynthia, Please stay. The rest of you may wonder the halls" He said opening the door as everyone who didn't get their name called left.

"Enjoy your day, thanks for coming. I'm here all week. Tip your nurses and clowns" he said as they walked out and then shut the door behind him going back onto the stage.

"Why did you make then leave" Cat asked.

"uh, i dont know. They never talk" He said as everyone nodded.

"Yeah, they just sit there and react" It said looking around.

"that's right"

"They just dont talk"

"So what do you want with us" Jade asked.

"Who likes parades?" he said raising his hand and then Robbie did.

"Antonio Banderas" Robbie said putting his hand down.

"Hillbillies!" Rex yelled.

"No one" Jade said as i nodded.

"Oh. come on. Parades are fun!" He said

"One time out brother was in a parade, but he was inappropriate, so the parade people called the police, and now he's not allowed in parades" cat said as i nodded.

"It was on the news" I said eating some gummy bears.

"or be near horses" Cat said stealing some gummies.

"Play with the pretty keys" Jade said giving her, her house keys.

"Kay, Kay" Cat said taking them as i shook my head knowing she was bound to do something dumb with those damn keys.

"So you all know about the woman I've been dating, Felicia" Sikowitz said all smiley.


"No, i dont"

"Never heard of her"

"Well, anyways. she's the creative director of this years parade parade?" he said sitting on the stage.

"Parade Parade?" Andre asked confused.

"I've never heard of it" It said looking confused.

"Exactly. Its a parade to help raise awareness of parades. Anyways, i sort of promised Felicia id get some of my most creative students to build afloat and perform" he said as everyone nodded.

"In the parade parade" Toridoraous asked as i rolled my eyes.

"No, in the fuc-freaking school play" I said smiling at her.

"So who would like to-" he said as me and Jade grabbed our bags leaving.

"your house keys" i reminded her as she groaned going back to the class, and i was walking back to my locker.

"Cynthia" Someone called as i turned around to see Chase.

"Chase" I yelled going over and hugging him.

"Oh, my god. you've been gone forever!" I said as he set me on the floor.

"I know, my sister was sick blah blah I'm back baby!" he yelled hugging me as i laughed.

"So, what's the tea" he asked as we were walking outside.

I laughed shaking my head "you're gonna wanna sit down" I said as he nodded sitting at our table.

"- and basically that's what happened" I let out a breath as i was done telling Chase what happened when he was gone.

He looked at me wide eyed "So she really almost made sikowitz quit but he was sad about something else, and then you slapped and punched her and now you, Jade, Cat, and Beck aren't really friends with her, and Andre kind of is, but Robbie fully is" he said as i nodded.

"Jade never really liked her, Beck did until one time i slapped the shit out of him, and then Cat did but didn't when the fight happened, Andre is 50/50 like he understands why i slapped her, and then Robbie is like in love with her or some bull shit" I shrugged eating some more gummies.

"Damn" he said shaking his head.

"how did you not liking her start" he asked as i shurgged.

"i think when she broke my nose, but she's always flirty with Beck" I explained as he looking at me shaking his head.


"So find anyone you likeee" i asked smiling at him.

He smiled rolling his eyes "Meh, I've notice Cat and Robbie have some unspoken love shit, so i dont wanna get in between that, and Jade we dont really have that connection" he said as i nodded understanding.

"Jades calling" I said grabbing my phone and answering it

"hey" I said as Chase stole some of my gummy's.

"Meet me at it's house in 25 minutes" she said hanging up.

"What'd she say" he asked.

"She said "Meet me at it's house in 25 minutes" and then hung up" I said confused, putting my phone in my purse.

"Wanna come" I asked as he nodded standing up and grabbing his bag.

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now