69. Detention Pt. 3

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Cynthia pov

After Tori began to put the bow in-between her feet and then putting the arrow and holding it with her other foot.

Before pulling it back and releasing as it went straight through a poster on the wall.

"that was crazy" Andre said, as Jade began to slowly clap.

"that was amazing" Jade said as i shook my head.

"that was gross" I said playing with Beck's hand.

"you learned that from your daddy? Your daddy know how to shoot a bow and arrow with his foot?" Jade said glaring at her as everyone looked between eachohter.

"Im sorry did we miss something?" Beck asked confused.

"Go on, shoot another arrow" Jade said as Tori looked down.

"Shut up" Tori told her as i raised my eyebrows.

"Oh, come on. Show us what your daddy taught you about foot archery"

"shut up!"

"Cause my dad cant do anything with his feet!"

"that is not my fault!"

"Stop it!" Andre yelled.

"As teenagers, we are all under too much pressure"  He yelled, it was silent for a moment before Cat began to randomly giggle, before we al began to laugh, as Robbie random rolled over onto Tori, as she fell on him, before he randomly began to blow on her stomach making a fart noise.

I think everyone has gone crazy, Cat was twirling around some statue, Robbie was throwing a stack of books, Tori was dancing, Andre was dancing again on the stairs, Jade was dancing on a table, as Beck was spinning me around.

After about an hour of dancing, i was sitting on the table the boys were at as they were now straitening Robbie's hair.

Why you make be asking.. well i wasn't listening.

"You're gonna look alot better without these black curls in your hair" Andre said

"Hey, i like black curls" Robbie said as Andre looked confused for a second before nodding.

"So why are you guys being so nice to me?" Robbie asked.

"Cause Tori's annoying and i dont wanna be with her right now"

"Cause you're letting us" Beck said as they all began to laugh before Robbie tried to backwards hug Beck.

"All right, no, no" Beck said moving his hand.

We left Robbie alone to go into the main library which Cat was in.

"They're probably doing some weird shit" I said hugging Beck as he nodded kissing the top of my head.

It was now time to leave Me and Beck were walking hand in hand through the hallways, as they rest were following us.

"See you next Saturday" Jade said to the panda in the hallways holding a balloon.

"bye" I smiled at him as Beck did a salute.

We all walked outside in a row, smiling at one another before we all went out separate ways.

"I still hate her" Jade said referring to Tori as i nodded in agreement.

"Me too"

"me three" Beck said putting his arm around my waist as i smiled putting my head on his shoulder as we walked to my car.

A/N another short one just to finish the episode

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