92. How Could You

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3rd person pov

Cynthia was dressed in a light purple short corset dress, that had purple bows on the bottom of the skirt, along with flowers that, she had black shorts under again, she had thigh high lace stockings that had a pattern of a heart, sword, heart, sword, along with dark purple shoes, she had dyed streaks of her hair purple

Cynthia was dressed in a light purple short corset dress, that had purple bows on the bottom of the skirt, along with flowers that, she had black shorts under again, she had thigh high lace stockings that had a pattern of a heart, sword, heart, sw...

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They were now at a fancy restaurant, Andre had come along, Mason and his assistant were sitting at a table diagonal from them

"Water?" The waitressed asking coming over earning in the two girls jumping



"Would you like water?"

"oh, yeah"


"Hey Tori, Cyn, look. Its Bud Alderman, the astronaut"


"he walked on the moon"


"walking is great exercise"

"Is something bothering you guys?" Andre asked looking at his two friends, who have been acting weird lately

"Psh, what nothing"

"why-why would you say that"

"Because you guys seem all freaked out. I feel like im with my grandma" Andre said as the two girls looked at each other before laughing a bit

"That laugh seemed insincere"

"Okay, we have a chopped salad for the gentleman, the chicken salad for you, and a lobster salad with avocado" she smiled handing them their food

"Do it" Cynthia whispered as Tori sighed but nodded

She picked up her plate before dropping it "What! What is this?"

"um, well, you ordered-"

"where's the manager" Cynthia said standing up going along with the plan they made

"Uh, Cyn, Tori, maybe you shoul-"

"Stay out of this!" The two girls yelled at him as Tori stood up


"uh, Ma'am. If you would rather have something else-"


"What shed rather do is you get fired for being an incompetent pre-freak!" Cynthia yelled at the waitress

"Uh, check please" Andre called raising his hand

Cynthia then turned around flipping the table as Tori knocked over the chairs

"My salad!"

"Excuse me, young ladys" Bud said coming over, Tori leaned over grabbing the ravioli

"Oh, my stars" he said as she dumped the ravioli in his pants

Possibility • Beck OliverWhere stories live. Discover now