The Light is Reborn

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(How the hell did Gaia even get to Remnant? Let's find out then, shall we?)

{Somewhere on Earth. In some old guy's house, 3rd POV}

Akio Namie was in his bed, contemplating his life. It was a good one, he had loving parents, the greatest best friend he could ask for, a wife who he'd never know how he had gained, and a family that he was proud of. It felt like just yesterday that he proposed to his girlfriend, or when she bore his child after they were married for a few years by then.

Now an old man, alone in bed without a wife anymore, he began wondering where he'd go. After he stopped thinking and is finally gone, where will he go? Maybe he shouldn't think of that for now, instead Akio thinks of what he had done for the day.

Ah yes, he spent the day with his son and his wife with their son. They all spent the day having fun, Akio telling his grandson and son's wife embarrassing stories about his son, all of them going to the beach and relaxing there, and then having a nice dinner together. The day would end when they went to watch a show that Akio's grandson liked, RWBY. However, that wasn't the only show they had watched...

{Earlier that day, whilst the family watched the show in 3rd POV}

"Grandpa, RWBY is so cool!" Akio's grandson, Gamu exclaimed.

"Yes yes, I can see that Gamu... It's interesting... I suppose." Akio, not wanting to hurt his grandson's feelings, had agreed with him. The family had been watching the episodes of RWBY at the end of every day when they had visited Akio.

Though he wouldn't admit it, Akio thought of how the show was gradually getting worse, it kept improving a little bit in some areas like the animation while turning a lot worse in other aspects like the story itself as you would progress through the volumes.

The first two being the best out of them all in his opinion, though they had bad animation, at least the story made sense in Volume 2, Volume 1 was pretty episodic however.

'If only Roosterteeth didn't go in this direction with the story...' Akio thought as he wondered how a child could like this. His son happened to see his expression and went to talk about it with him.

"I can tell you don't like it dad..." Akio's son whispered to him. The old man looked a bit startled, seeing that he had been caught. He relaxed, seeing it was his son that caught him and not his grandson. Knowing his son could keep a secret, he began telling him how he felt about the show as a whole.

"The later volumes are bad in my opinion." Akio whispered back with a sigh. His son just hummed in understanding as the two watched the show for a moment before turning back their conversation again.

"Well, it's what Gamu likes so just bear with it." With that Akio just nodded and the two of them kept watching it before Gamu broke the silence.

"Grandpa?" He asked Akio as he looked down at the BOY.

"Yes Gamu? Is something wrong?" Akio asked, worrying that he had been too loud which would cause his grandson to hear him. Thankfully, his worries were washed away when he heard what the boy had to say.

"Dad says he named me after a character you look up to, is that true?" Gamu asked with a slight tilt of his head. Akio smiled as he heard this. Reliving memories of himself and his best friend watching a Japanese sci-fi superhero show when they hung out together.

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