Battle in the Sky

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{3rd POV}

As of now, the Ultras are just taking a break to heal and relax as they know that RSLV will monitor and protect Remnant with them now. Currently, Ironwood and RSLV is being interviewed after the whole Choju Attack.

"General Ironwood, could you explain what this group is that you've made? What exactly is their name?" A reporter asked the general as they pointed their microphone towards him. The Atlas General just stood tall while presenting his team.

"These people are the new defense team for Remnant." He said to the crowd proudly. You could see Winter looking straight ahead, unmoving as she stood at attention. Grimm looked around in the crowd before saluting to them all. Jack looked excited from all the people wanting to know all of them and kept posing for the cameras while saying hello to them all. Jill on the other hand, was getting nervous from all the cameras and questions they were asked which led to her grabbing Jack's shoulders and hiding behind him.

"Their official name is..." Ironwood began for dramatic effect. The reporters all got their microphones ready for what he'd say as cameras quickly focused on him and the team.

"RSLV (Resolve)." He finished before looking to the team and explaining the whole name.

"It stands for Readied Specialists for Life-threatening Versatility. They'll be monitoring around the world for any trouble it has." With that, a reporter asked another question for the Headmaster of the Atlas Academy.

"How exactly will you be able to get to every situation on time?" When the crowd heard this, they all contemplated that before turning to Ironwood and looking for his answer.

"We'll be expanding the Defense Team from not just Atlas but in all the continents as well. As of now, we'll only be doing routine routes to check all the continents but we're in the process of working on something that will help us be immediately notified in case of any disasters." He confessed. The crowd were surprised by that answer and tried to press on for more answers.

"Sir! What about the vehicles that RSLV used to get to Vale? Or the weapons they used on the monsters! How powerful are they?" Some people asked until Winter stepped up to Ironwood and whispered something to him. He listened to her before looking back at the people.

"I'm sorry for the unanswered questions everyone, but it seems our time is up here now. Thank you for all coming here and have a good day." Iron concluded as he and RSLV started walking off the stage and away from the reporters who desperately tried to get a few more answers.

Winter just followed the general as her expression stayed stone cold from the pressing reporters. Grimm looked to them as he held out a hand toward them as he refused to answer anything while shaking his head. Jack sweatdropped as he rubbed the back of his head while saying sorry to the crowd. Jill began bowing repeatedly to all of them while earnestly apologizing to them all before quickly walking beside her brother.

Once they were all out of the prying eyes of the public, Ironwood turned to the team and checked up on them all.

"I hope you're alright, because there's going to be more interviews in the near future." He sadly told them as Jill looked horrified from that. Grimm sighed and looked annoyed as Jack pumped his arm up in excitement. You could see Winter still staying stoic in the corner however now she had small sweat dripping from her face from the mention of more interviews.

"Now you understand what I have to go through when I have interviews to let them know about new technology or news in general." The general said as he shook his head before looking at them all again.

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