The Black Cat meets the Light of the Sea

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{Timeskip in Remnant. 3rd POV}

After the first battle for Ultraman Agul, he would eventually go back into the sea. As he stayed in there, he saw that his color timer began to stop blinking and even turned blue again after a few minutes. Eventually he relaxed inside the water for so long, he melded into it and became one with the ocean.

He was shocked by this revelation as he struggled and turned back into an Ultra again. He began training how to do this again and kept going till he could do it with ease. After learning how to merge with the ocean, he would start to monitor Menagerie in case it'd be attacked and even began helping with the desert of the land by watering it.

He would improve his skills in battle once a Grimm arrived there now and again. Agul would eventually be seen as the protector of Menagerie and Faunus, considering he never tried to attack them and actively protects them from harm.

Meanwhile, Gaia has been protecting the whole world of Remnant by using the land itself. By letting himself fuse with the land as Agul does with the ocean, he could feel what was happening atop and underneath the surface, which allowed him to find where help was needed and transform back there. 

After a few interviews, Summer and Qrow had given their name to the public who all approved of the name Ultraman Gaia as the giant's name. Coincidentally, Menagerie began calling Agul, Ultraman Agul because of his humanoid appearance and from how he's colored blue.

{At night, at the Belladonna Family Home in Kuo Kuana. 3rd POV}

A young Blake Belladonna was seen practicing with a stick that looked like a sword in her hands while in the training room of their house. This room looked like a traditional Dojo with a rack filled with training weapons.

She was seen trying to incorporate her attacks with her semblance, Shadow, having one of her clones stand up straight as a test dummy while she practiced her swings and techniques against it. She was already a little exhausted at this point and stopped practicing, making all the clones she had active to disappear. 

"If only mom and dad didn't want me in the White Fang, maybe then I could make a difference when I get old enough. They're just trying to help give us Faunus a voice in the world of humans... If we didn't try to speak up, we probably wouldn't even have Menagerie... " She told herself. She always wanted to help her fellow Faunus, however her parents wouldn't allow her to join the cause that is White Fang to help.

"Even this is the bare minimum, the land was almost all just desert as we could only make cities near the shores where water was. That is until Ultraman Agul helped with the land by letting water flow through it and from taking down any Grimm there as well." She concluded. To think that they had miraculously obtained a guardian that did years of work in days.

"If I was just as strong as him, maybe then we could finally get equality actually have a place on the continents, maybe even the kingdoms..." Blake stated, finishing with a hopeful feeling as she walked quietly through the house while being careful not to wake her parents up.

While sneaking through the house with the stick still in hand, due to it being a perfect weapon substitute for her at this age, she looked out the window to see it raining heavily. Blake always liked the rain, especially when she just wanted to relax, she continued to watch and listen the rain fall before going back to sneaking into her room again.

Only to stop as she saw a bright light appear in the rain, this made Blake stare at it confused. She kept looking at it before it began shining brightly and blind her, making her to instinctively cover her eyes from this.

Once she uncovered them again, she saw the guardian of Menagerie standing out in the rain.

"Ultraman Agul? What is he doing out there? Especially at our house at night." Once she said that, Agul turned his head towards her, startling her. Before she did anything else, Agul just motioned her to go to a near balconies. Though still startled by his sudden appearance, Blake complied, tightening her grip on the stick just in case.

After getting to the balcony, Blake stared at Agul who was standing in front of the balcony's glass door, waiting patiently.

"Do you want me to open the door?" Blake had asked, which had Agul respond with a nod.

Still a bit skeptical and on guard, she carefully opened the door, ready to dodge using her semblance. She didn't need to however, due to Agul just walking inside. As she watched him, she realized how dry Agul actually was before he beckoned Blake to follow again.

"Wha- How are you dry?" Blake had asked trying to keep her voice down. The now human-sized giant just stared at her before walking away, leaving Blake to quickly follow his pace. She was still confused as to why he was dry, but she decided not to question it.

Once they arrived at the destination, Blake realized they were back at the training room. She watched as Agul stood at one end of the room before summoning his Blade, going into a stance and waiting. Blake saw this and quickly put together what he wanted before rushing towards the other side of the room, facing Agul and holding her stick just like a katana again. They approached each other and had their blades touch, before backing away and initiating the spar to begin trying to hit the other. 

Blake quickly ran towards Agul, who hadn't moved yet, and leaped forward, as if about to do a suicide slash at the side. Agul took it, 'not' noticing the shadow clone Blake replaced herself with, before she appeared behind him and tried to get a hit in.

Agul saw through her trick and turned around before ducking her attack and slashing to the side, hitting Blake which stunned her and involuntarily had her let go of the stick, it additionally made the clone disappear due to her being surprised.

Blake, still surprised, felt ashamed in how fast she was defeated. She turned to Agul and prepared to hear him tell her of her failure. She was instead given a hand by him and after she had taken it, pulled her up and gave back the stick. Blake was confused now, only to watch Agul try to demonstrate through body language and charades to tell her what she had done wrong.

Agul used his Blade demonstrate, showing it going towards his hand, about to slice it, only for the hand to make a pop like hand motion and move behind it before it did an attack of its own while the blade was still going.

"So, I dodge at the last second instead of dodging anytime else?" Blake tried to repeat, which thankfully she did as Agul nodded.

He essentially told her to only use her semblance to dodge right before getting hit, really confusing the enemy and giving her time to attack when they were distracted. The point was to really trick the enemy that they had hit you, all while you slip past them and go for any weak point they have as they're distracted.

They repeatedly kept practicing, Agul showing her where she went wrong and slightly struggling at using his hand motions to explain what to do instead. To say it was a bit hard was an understatement. They however, managed to understand one another while they kept going.

Overall, Blake was glad to have her hero help learn how to fight whilst Agul was happy to see Blake as an apprentice in swordsmanship and just fighting in general, happy to help her improve in her mistakes. He wondered if there was anyone else, he could teach how to sword fight. Maybe even use a rapier in specific.

Little did he know, he wasn't just going to have Blake to train in sword fighting. There was also a certain ice-cold heiress who he'll be meeting later on.

(So while Agul takes his time training Blake, let's check back into the Rose Xiao Long family and see what they're up to now, shall we?)

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