A Blue Giant finds a fractured Ice Princess

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(The cold queen- princess of ice is here, but can this giant of the waves help her with what made her so cold to people?)

{At night in the Belladonna Family Home's training room. Kenji/Agul POV}

Blake went for a parry to my slash with a proper wooden katana I helped make with her, but before she could do that, my Blade had deactivated and ducked down. I was ready to give her a strike with my fist as she kept going. Right when I was about to hit her, she backed away before it hit her and went to charge at me, her blade ready for a side slash.

I saw this happening and went to block it with my Blade. Right when our blades touched, Blake turned into a shadow before she dissipated. I was shocked and impressed by this before I turned around to see the real her go for a stab. I quickly parried it which knocked her back and before she could reorient herself, I had already put my blade to her throat which ended the sparring match.

Blake let out a deep breathe before she saw my Blade disappear and my hand offered out which she had taken to get up. Once she dusted herself off, she asked me something,

"So, how did I do that time?" I pause for a moment as I contemplated about that. Finally, I gave her a thumbs up as I thought she'd done pretty well for today.

Blake gave a smile before hugging me, surprising me as I looked at her and tilted my head to show I was confused on what she's doing.

"Oh, I'm just glad you're helping me with  this... I just want to help with faunus rights. We've been suppressed for so long and all the fighting we did just gave us this small landmass. Before you were here... Almost all of Menagerie was just a desert, one full of dangerous Grimm too." Blake explained to me.

'I didn't know that they had racism in this world. Well, would you call it racism? Or like Faunusim...' I shook those thoughts out before I kneeled down to Blake's height to hug her back. She was surprised by this before accepting it and hugged tighter.

Once the hug was done and Blake was about to leave and rest, I stopped her before gesturing for her to come with me. She complied and we walked to the outside of her family's house before I grew to my full height and held out my hand for her.

"You want me on your hand? Where are you taking me?" She was confused and concerned by this. All I did was point towards the ocean which made her look to where I was pointing at. Blake was a bit skeptical but after thinking about it, she went onto my hand as I carried her to my chest and flew to the beach.

"Whoooaaa... This is amazing." Blake was watching her surroundings as we were flying through the sky, until she looked down to the ground giggled with glee. I mentally chuckled from this before spotting a good place to land on the beach.

Once I set her down and shrunk down again, I walked to the water with Blake in tow. I held my hand out to it as the water glowed brightly before it split open, leaving the sandy floor and a necklace with a beautiful sapphire on it to be there. I walked towards them before picking up the necklace and offered it to Blake who looked at it curiously.

'Watching her ears as she observes this is cute.' I thought to myself, I always liked cats and when Akio showed me cat girls from Anime. Let's just say I started watching more Anime after that...

"You want me to have it?" Blake asked me, I nodded and handed it to her which she proceeded to put on. I pointed to my color timer as it begun to blink while the sapphire on the necklace blinked with it. This seemed to make Blake understand what it was for.

"Oh, thank you. I'll call for you anytime I need help alright?" Blake told me, I then gestured to the necklace and then to my necklace as Blake took a bit before understood what that meant.

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