Ultras in Trouble, Debut of Remnant's Defense Team!

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{Akio POV}

Its already been a few days since I took Red King to Menagerie. The locals were a bit concerned as they saw how I was bringing a Kaiju to them but thankfully, the Faunus who were with Red King reassured them that Red King had saved them and needed a home themself.

With that, Red King became the protector of Menagerie when Kenji is somewhere else on Remnant. I still wonder how Red King even got here. With how SpaceGodzilla and Baltan arrived, I can't help but think something else was supposed to get here instead of Red King. I'm glad it was them and not some destructive Kaiju but still... Now they're stuck here till we find a way home for them.

Ah well, that'll be a problem future me and Kenji will deal with if I drag him into it which I probably will. Right now, I'm just walking with Glynda. Its the weekend as of now and I just wanted to hang out with someone other than Kenji or the Rose Xiao Long family... Man I need friends.

The two of us were just walking in silence, which was getting pretty awkward. Thankfully she broke the silence and went to ask me a question.

"Why exactly did you ask me to walk with you?" Glynda asked me. To be honest...

"I'm not sure. I just wanted to talk and spend time with someone else who wasn't Kenji." I truthfully told her as I rubbed my nape.

"I don't really have anyone else," I revealed, "I've never really had the chance to get to know anybody with what I do. Plus, you're the only other person besides Ozpin who knows my secret. Kenji knows as well but he's also an Ultra so that doesn't count." I said to her. She stopped walking with me before crossing her arms and gaining a frustrated look on her face.

"So, you chose me to walk with you because I'm your only option besides Ozpin." Glynda said sternly. I quickly turned to her with a shocked look on my face.

"No! I mean yes, but I genuinely want to get to know you. Not just because we're going to be working together but because I want to be your friend." I stated. She stood there for a bit before walking up to me as we resumed our walk. With that, I continued.

"I've seen you around the academy, you don't really talk to anyone but Ozpin. Even then, you guys don't really talk about anything other than the school, Salem, work, stuff like that. You're um... Kind of lonely too which I want to help fix, with me becoming your friend." I told her. She angrily stared at me for a bit as I just waited and readied myself for the scolding she'd give.

But she just walked past me and called on me. "If we're going to walk together, you shouldn't lag behind." I just stood there shocked before smiling from that and walked back to her side, this time we started another conversation with each other.

"What is it like being an Ultra?" She asked me. I began thinking about it before giving an answer.

"Its... Its cool to say that least!" I said to her as she deadpanned. I smiled before continuing, "But on a serious note...

"It makes you feel powerful. When I transform, I can feel the ground beneath me give its strength to me, I guess that what Kenji probably feels as well but with the sea instead. It makes me feel powerful but that makes me scared at the same time, knowing I can easily destroy everything like that." I explained. With that question answered, Glynda asked for a follow up.

"How do you... How do you keep fighting to protect instead of doing it to destroy then?" Glynda questioned. I thought about it, 'Why do I fight to protect? I have the power of an Ultra, I can easily destroy everything but...'

"I fight to protect because I know that one day, Humanity and Faunus will rise up and stand with Ultramen to protect Remnant. You guys will help us as we have done with you." I concluded. She said nothing but I could see a small smirk from her.

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