The Light of the Land saves a Rose and Sun Dragon

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{A while ago back in the hospital in Vale. 3rd POV}

After the family approved of the name Gaia for the giant, Tai would slowly hug Summer and keep her close while tears came from his eyes.

"I was so scared hearing the news of you being this hospital, I'd be devastated if you hadn't been here at all... I couldn't imagine losing another." Tai started before realizing his mistake and just keeping his mouth shut while he kept his embrace with Summer as she rubbed his back, comforting him.

"Its okay Tai, I'm still here. I won't be going anywhere." Summer reassured him. Tai just kept holding her in a tight hug, refusing to let go as he hoped that Yang hadn't heard what he just said.

Coincidentally, Yang heard what her father said and got a bit suspicious of what 'other' he had lost. Was there something that her parents didn't tell her?

"Dad, what do you mean by losing another?" Yang asked her father, this in turn made Tai stare at Yang a bit nervous which made him look to Qrow and Summer. Qrow just shrugged and gestured him to just tell her while Summer sighed and looked at Tai, the two of them both knew what they had to do. It couldn't be kept a secret anymore.

With a heavy sigh, Tai started to tell Yang, "You see Yang, its hard to tell you this but..." He couldn't seem to finish his sentence, with the last few words unable to come out. Seeing this, Summer took action and blurted it out.

"I'm not your mother... Your birth mother I mean." Summer finished what Tai started, this made him widen his eyes at Summer in shock before he went back to see Yang's reaction.

"W-What?" Yang widened her eyes just like her dad in shock and with the addition of disbelief as well. Summer wasn't her mother? But then...

"W-Who is she then...?" Yang couldn't believe the woman that she looked up to, the one who had taken care of her and Ruby, wasn't even her mother.

"She's... She's my sister, Firecracker." Qrow told her, making the rest of the family look at him, Yang was starting to question more things but before she could, Qrow started to explain.

Ruby, a little confused, asked Summer, "You're my real mom, right mom?" 

Summer, shocked by what Ruby had said, quickly replied with, "Yes Ruby, I am your mother... Its just Yang who isn't." She sighed when she said that, though Yang wasn't biologically hers, Summer treated her like a real mother would.

"Anyways, you know how me, and your parents are part of a team called STRQ? Ever wonder who the 'R' is? That's my sister, she's named Raven." Qrow revealed. Yang hearing this, thought of one question that she got from hearing this information.

"Where is she?" Yang questioned Qrow. Now Qrow was the one who couldn't think of what to say. How could he just tell her that he and her were part of a tribe that made the two become Hunters to learn how to fight and kill them?

"She... She left a bit after you were born... Where she went... I-I don't know." Qrow responded, he didn't want Yang to learn where she was and try to search for her... No that's a horrible idea. Especially with how Raven's been like nowadays.

Yang with nothing more to say just looked down to herself and started thinking of questions to herself, 'Was I not good enough? Did she not want me? Why did she leave after I was born?' The more questions she thought, the more answers she yearned for.

Suddenly, Pinea- I mean, the doctor came in informing the family there, "Mister Xiao Long? Its time for you and your daughters to leave, visiting hours are over I'm afraid."

Tai nodded to the doctor, prompting them into leaving and Tai looking at his daughters, "Well, looks like we have to go girls," Tai then looked towards Summer and Qrow, "We'll see you guys tomorrow alright?" And with that, they left. The two remaining Hunters looked to each other and braced themselves for the next visit from their family, especially Yang.

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