The Red Giant, Crimson Emperor, and the Magma Nightcrawler

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{On the Eastern Side of Anima. 3rd POV}

A portal appears as a creature begins to exit from it. You can see the giant red horn of a creature poking out before its head appears after it. Its head seems to be mainly dark blue with the skin entirely made of spikes. The small eyes glow brightly as you can see its jaws. It's teeth also have the same red coloring as the horn.

Its Spheresaurus! The creature makes an ear-splitting roar as it continues exiting the portal before-

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Its Spheresaurus! The creature makes an ear-splitting roar as it continues exiting the portal before-


The Spheresaurus is grabbed from the other side of the portal and pulled away. Now, another creature exits instead as you can hear the Spheresaurus being defeated by a finishing move. This creature begins to go back into the portal before it somehow trips and falls out of it.

The portal closes on the creature as it makes a confused noise from what happened before turning around and seeing its way home close. It gets back up and dashes to where the portal once was as it tries anything to make it appear again. Eventually, the creature gets tired and just sits down, crosslegged, and waits as it picks up a small volcanic rock and chews on it, revealing Fire and Rock Dust Crystals inside.

The creature is lightly green in coloration, with some dark lines outlining parts of its body. The whole body is covered in a sort of plating. The creature's neck is long and carries a small head. Its teeth being sharp spiky teeth.

It was the green strong man monster, Red King

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It was the green strong man monster, Red King...!(?) At some point, Red King lays down and sleeps. Its stomach glows a similar red and dark orange from the Fire and Rock Dust it ate earlier...

{Timeskip at the Evernight Castle. 3rd POV}

Salem was pacing back and forth in her chambers, reflecting on seeing what the Red and Blue Giant had done by now. It was clear that they were here to protect the people here, Humanity and Faunuskind. They also seemed to actively help them as well, seeing Gaia get Summer and Qrow to safety while Agul had literally changed the whole landscape of Mistral by changing it from nearly uninhabitable to having almost all of it being planned for Faunus settlements in the future.

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