The Ultras, the Rich, and the Caring side to the Witch

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(I thought, what the hell, may as well give a Valentines chapter. Kind of owe you guys that much with how slow the updates are.

Thankfully, I got a draft for the next one, might make a couple more chapters before actually getting to the first volume...

That's gonna be a whole new mess that future me will deal with though. Anyways, enjoy this bois.)

{Akio's apartment. 3rd POV}

Here in this small bedroom, Akio is being taken care of by Glynda.

"You know... I could just heal myself by merging with the ground, right?" Akio told her. Glynda was currently bandaging his bruises. She had already told Ozpin of the possible threat that would arrive and was now helping Akio with his wounds.

"Well, you'd be able to sense everything happening there. I assume that it wouldn't be a nice way to relax and let yourself actually rest, is it?" Glynda asked. Akio thought about it for a bit before replying.

"Kind of, but I can just sort of go into sleep mode there too. Don't really need to stay as a human to do that." Akio explained. Glynda looked a bit irritated by him wanting to just leave and sighed.

"I'm just trying to repay you for the movies yesterday. Just let me help you, okay?" Glynda told Akio. He looked at her surprised but ultimately allowed it, letting his body go limp as she carefully wrapped up all the bruises on his body.

"I always forget that you and Kenji don't have aura. Maybe one day you can get one, so it's harder for you to injure yourself." Glynda said to him. Akio pondered about the idea of getting an aura and semblance before putting it off for now.

"It's not my fault that trouble follows me around." Akio claimed as he held his head to look at her. Glynda looked at him with a deadpanned expression.

"It's more so that you follow trouble." She countered. Akio tried to say something else to deny it, only to give up and lay his head back down onto the pillow.

"But you shouldn't worry about that. You have your friends here to help you when you're in need. The team of RSLV, Ironwood, Ozpin, Kenji, and... Even me." Glynda told him, hesitating on the last part. Akio smiled, knowing she was right about that.

"Thanks Glynda, I'll take you out to UJump after I'm fully rested. Maybe even take you to see Menagerie or something to see a king there." Akio offered. Glynda looked at him blankly before gaining a rare teasing look.

"Akio, are you trying to take me out on a Valentine's Day Date?" She asked him while hiding a growing smile and blush with a hand. Akio stared at her in bewilderment.

"Wait, it's Valentine's Day tomorrow?" He asked, innocently. Glynda shattered from this, losing her composure and returning to her usual strict self.

"You mean to tell me that when we went out to go to the movies yesterday, you didn't even know that it was almost Valentine's Day?" She questioned. Akio held his bandaged arms in defense.

"What? I just did that so we could hang out!" He confessed. Glynda got even angrier.

"You thought we were just hanging out there? I thought you invited me out on a date! A couple days before Valentine's Day no less!" She exclaimed, peering into his soul as she did. The man with the power of the Earth quickly recoiled away from the Huntress in defense, putting his arms up to his face and having his knees up to his chest.

"If you wanted a date, you could've just asked! Hell, we can do it tomorrow if you want!" After a couple seconds, Akio pulled down his arms to see Glynda looking at him with fiery determination in her eyes.

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