Family Reunited and the Giant's Name

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{Timeskip to the island of Patch. 3rd POV}

In a cabin on the island of Patch, there was a young girl. Her name was Ruby Rose. This certain girl was the daughter of two Hunters, one of them that she was waiting for.

"Is mom coming home yet?" Ruby had repeated for the millionth time to her dad, Taiyang, who just sighed.

"She's coming home Ruby. Don't worry, she's already on the way right now." As if Oum had heard that, Tai's scroll rang. He answered the call and wondered who was calling.

"This is Taiyang. What're you calling for Qrow? Wait WHAT?! WHERE?!?" Taiyang immediately hung up after getting the location before picking up Ruby like a sack of potatoes and calling over Yang.

"Yang we're going out!!!" Tai yelled to his other daughter while Ruby just flopped on his shoulder. Yang came out of her room a little mad from hearing Tai call her over like that.

"Dad why are we going out? Isn't mom coming home like you said, did you forget to bake her cookies and a strawberry cake for her when she gets back? Is that why we're going out?" She asked him. Hearing this made Taiyang remember that he still had to do that but shook it off and explained what happened to his daughters.

"No! Well yeah, I forgot but- Not the point right now! Mom's not coming home because she's at the hospital, we have to go now, let's go!" Tai told to his daughters, both being shocked, Yang being more scared for her mom and Ruby not understanding why she's there.

"Why's mom not at the hospital?" Ruby asked innocently. She knew that hospitals were for people who got hurt or sick, but she didn't know of the more serious things people went to hospitals for.

"No time to explain!" Tai said, grabbing Yang like Ruby and sprinting off to the nearest Bullhead and quickly shifting it into overdrive as it sped through the air to the hospital in Vale.

{Hospital in Vale. 3rd POV}

The door to the room with Summer is kicked open with Tai rushing in with Yang and Ruby still being carried like sacks of potatoes. The two girls were all dizzy from the journey to get here before Tai had let them both down gently, quickly apologizing to the two.

"Honey!" Tai exclaimed before going to Summer's side, checking for her temperature, checking her heartbeat, looking for any serious injuries. Summer saw how scared her husband was and began trying to calm him down.

"Tai, calm down, I'm alright now, my arm's the only thing that's broken, alongside a deep wound on my leg, other than that its fine with my aura healing them faster." Summer tried to reassure her husband, before being bombarded by her daughters who had gotten out of their dizziness.

"Mom! You're okay!" Yang crawled into the bed and hugged Summer tightly, not wanting to let go and lose her. Ruby then crawled in as well and quickly summarized what had happened.

"Mom! Mom! Mom! Dadpickedusuplikeasackofpotatoesanddraggedustoabullheadbeforespeedingtowardsthehospitalwherewefoundyoubecauseheheardaboutyoubeinghereonthescrollsowhyareyouhereanyways?!?" Ruby said, speaking so fast that you might've thought she was fast-forwarded. The girl was confused on why her mother was here and what happened on her mission.

"If you all could just calm down and let her have some breathing room... Especially you, Kiddo." A voice spoke which startled the 3 worried family members of the Rose-Xiao Long family. They began turning their heads towards the voice and saw it was...

"Uncle Qrow!/Qrow!" The 2 daughters and Tai exclaimed as they saw Qrow sitting on top on a chair, with bandages wrapped over his head.

"If you want, I could let you know what happened, especially since I was there too. Well... Only at the end of it but hey, still something I suppose..." Qrow told them. Now Taiyang and the two daughters were confused on what happened to him as well. So, with wanting more answers, he asked the injured Huntsman.

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