Old Life Revisited, Help from a Distant Light?!

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Earth. Currently, on this side of the world, it was night. The stars were out to shine throughout the night sky. Suddenly, a small blackhole appeared in space. While it wasn't capable of being seen down on the planet, the object that was quickly launched out of it was. After that, the blackhole closed itself up as a streak of light traveled towards the Earth. From the onlookers' point of view, it seemed to be some sort of shooting star. This, however, wasn't one. Instead, it was a small meteoroid that was speeding its way down.

As it made its way down, there was one boy who watched it soar through the sky as he and his family were camping. The boy was confused; he tilted his head and stared at the streak of light, wondering why it looked to be getting bigger. Suddenly, his eyes widened as he realized it was getting closer and watched the meteorite fly past him and crash into a nearby hill.

The impact made the area around the crash site explode as the boy dropped to the ground to avoid any flying debris from hitting him. The sound of the meteorite crashing alerted the boy's parents as they ran over to where it came from, noting how their son had gone the same way as well. Once the boy figured it was safe to get up, he looked over to the crash site and found the meteorite broken and smoking from being turned into a fireball upon entering the atmosphere.

For some unknown reason, the boy felt some sort of force calling to him from within the meteor. He walked up to the broken space rock and looked around it. For the most part, it was nothing but the meteorite itself, the smoke it emitted, and the debris it had created. That was until the boy spotted a shining stone that was encased within a part of the meteor. He knew how hot the space rock was, but his instincts told him that it would be fine. Trusting his instincts, the boy kneeled down and reached into the cracked meteorite before briefly poking at the special stone just in case.

For some reason, it was cool to the touch compared to the rest of the meteorite, which still emanated heat. The boy took the stone from the meteor and inspected it. He was confused about why it had a certain shine, which you wouldn't find on other meteors, as well as why it had a face of some sort of figure on it. Suddenly, the stone glowed brightly and felt warm to the touch for the boy, surprising him.

Before anything else could happen, it quickly cooled down and stopped glowing. Just as the boy was going to try and make the stone do it again, his parents called to him as they were seen to be running over to make sure he was safe. Unsure of what to do with it, the boy pocketed the stone and ran over to his parents.

Deep in space, the Radical Destruction Bringer opened its portal once more and stared directly where it sensed the light of the two Giants. The light from the portal turned yellow as it began thinking of an idea before disappearing once more. Instead of reappearing around Remnant, the portal formed near another planet. With an idea in mind and a desire to destroy the two giants, the RDB closed the portal to initiate its plan.

Back on Remnant, the two Ultra hosts were playing some video games in the living room at Akio's place. Glynda walked in on the two playing a side-scrolling beat-em-up. "How are you boys doing?" She asked them while watching their game. "We're doin' alright. Kenji! High five me!!" Akio told his best friend. Akio's character held his hand out for a high five until Kenji did the same, making the two leap across the screen towards each other to slap each other some skin. "Damage boost. Nice." Kenji stated as both his and Akio's characters obtained a glowing blue aura around them.

"Twin Tiger Radiance is such a cool game!" Akio commented. After a minute, they had beaten the boss of that level, bringing them to a room with nothing but a blue ball that had a silver tiger wrapped around it. The two friends passed the ball to each other until it exploded into money and mixtapes. After they collected it all, their characters walked to their own respective sides of the screen and did an air guitar solo as an actual guitar solo played to signify the end of that level.

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