Cost of Being an Ultra

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{3rd POV}

As the Defense Team and Huntress were distracted in helping people or fixing the city, Akio and Kenji exited out from behind a building before going over to Glynda.

"Glynda, we're here!" Akio shouted to her as said woman turned to see him carrying Kenji piggyback style as he was knocked out and kept groaning in pain. Glynda immediately rushed over to them as Akio laid his best friend down and explained what happened.

"The injuries we gain from being an Ultra transfer to when we become Human as well. As you can see, Kenji's stab wound from Vakishim hasn't left him." He told her as the two stared at an identical wound from the one Agul gained on Kenji.

"Wouldn't Aura help heal it?" Glynda asked but Akio shook his head no in response.

"We don't have Aura. Just had to let the wounds heal naturally or rest in the Land or Sea." He explained to her while worrying about his wounded partner.

"I can heal just fine with how Gaia is the will of the Ea- I mean Land." Akio corrected. He didn't want to explain what Earth was or how they arrived here to Glynda. She looked at him suspiciously after hearing him change what he said, but let it be.

"Kenji's tricky though. He uses the will of the Sea, and as you can see around us, there's no ocean nearby." He finished. With the full explanation finally done, Akio carried Kenji onto his back again before starting to leave.

"I gotta get him there now." Akio started as he began walking to another secluded spot to transform, only to be stopped by a RSLV Member.

"Sir, is that person injured? We can help bring them to an evacuation zone to get medical attention." The Member told Akio as he found out it was Winter who just stopped him. He was worried and started panicking that she might be able to somehow use anime bullshit to figure out that Kenji was Agul based on the wound. The Ultra Host kept panicking until Glynda saved the day.

"Yes please, his friend wasn't fast enough to evacuate and was hit with some debris that hit him and knocked him unconscious." She lied as naturally as she breathed. Glynda gave a wink towards Akio as she pushed her glasses up before Winter answered.

"I see, we can use the Jetwing to get there quickly then." Winter told them before walking off to the Jetwing as Akio got confused by the name.

"What's a Jetwing?" Akio asked while he and Glynda walked beside her until she replied.

"It is a modified Bullhead which incorporates more speed, firepower, and maneuverability. This will be the main vehicles that will be used by our new Defense Team for Remnant." Winter said as Akio looked surprised after hearing that, 'Main vehicles? There'll be more?!' He thought in his mind.

"That's cool and all, but I still need to help my bro already." Akio said as they arrived at the Jetwing. Winter unlocked it as one of the side doors opened for them to enter.

Once Akio got into the passenger seat and secured the unconscious Kenji onto the only stretcher there, Winter entered the driver seat before notifying them that they'd already be taking off. The man put on his seatbelt as he felt everything shake before they went flying off.

"I'll be taking a critically injured somewhere to let their semblance heal them quickly. Grimm, Jack, you three will be on your own for now." Winter told them through the intercoms. Akio heard two other voices acknowledging here, guessing they'd be the two that Winter just talked to, before looking out the window and watched as they got closer to the Sea.

"Didn't think Atlas would be able to make something like this..." Akio truthfully told Winter.

"Ironwood planned these to be made for a while now. He was already constructing another project but... He was influenced by some things to change projects." Winter said to the two. She kept out some things just in case.

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